Do you have weird dreams?


14 Aug 2017
Local time
3:22 PM
Lafayette, LA. US
I sometimes have crazy dreams. Last nigh I dreamed that I was walking through a forest with my cats. They were the size of tigers. There was a lake in the distance with fish jumping in the water. My Baby Girl - Daisy - took off like a rocket and snagged a fish. End of dream.

I occasionally have night mares. I never remember them. George will tell me that I thrashed in my sleep and cried "help" in a high squeaky voice.

Do you have crazy dreams?

It's healthy to have weird dreams, but verily, your REM/Alpha activity can get turbocharged after eating certain foods and these help generate some truly fascinating adventures in your sleep. No, I don't mean chocolate, but also, I don't mean drugs or booze either, nor particularly, aphrodisiacs. Certain foods will do it. Generally, your brain relives your day when you sleep to reinforce what has transpired during the day. In a way, it's part of learning. However, accuracy in what your brain does is never guaranteed and thus, you get that weirdness. The degree and vividness of your dreams is enhanced when your neurons have the right things to feed on and ... if you are restless, due to some irritation, you are more likely to be conscious of what is normally going on subliminally. Most often you will not remember details of weird dreams, but they occur all the time.
Talking of dreams - I once perfected the art of lucid dreaming. I say 'once' because I haven't been able to do it for a while now. I won't go into details of how to achieve it here - you can google 'lucid dreaming' if you are interested in learning the techniques.

Basically, it means you make yourself aware that you are dreaming and can then direct the dream almost how you wish. This includes travelling to where you want to go (I usually flew there by just taking off into the sky!) and also conjuring up people to relate to, objects, buildings etc. You can also make the people do what you wish. Now - I will let you imagine the kind of things one can get up to! :laugh: And its all guilt free....

If you can achieve it, I promise you it will be one of the most pleasurable and exciting things you ever do.

This is not to be confused with being aware you are dreaming which happens to everyone sometimes. This is a much more conscious control of the dream.
As it so happens, I keep a Weird Dreams file just in case I dream something that's so out there, or so hilarious, that I want to remember it again. I haven't had such a dream in a while, but here's one that I can't stop laughing about, even though it was brief.

My Boston terrier, Oreo, walked over to me and suddenly decided to bite my forearm and clamp down. But, I soon realized she wasn't biting me. Instead, she was blowing on my arm to make a farting sound. She did this over and over again. I began to wish that she’d just bite me.
We have never had a weird dream ..

And if we did, we both do not remember, when we awaken ..
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As it so happens, I keep a Weird Dreams file just in case I dream something that's so out there, or so hilarious, that I want to remember it again. I haven't had such a dream in a while, but here's one that I can't stop laughing about, even though it was brief.

My Boston terrier, Oreo, walked over to me and suddenly decided to bite my forearm and clamp down. But, I soon realized she wasn't biting me. Instead, she was blowing on my arm to make a farting sound. She did this over and over again. I began to wish that she’d just bite me.

@The Late Night Gourmet

Ha Ha !!! Yes, I am sure you would of preferred the dog to bite you verses expell gases !!!

Lucky you !!! Ha Ha ..
Another one I remember from the "malaria pill dreams" is being on a plane as we were coming into land at Heathrow airport. For some reason, I was in the toilet, but you could see out of the windows. The plane landed, but had instantly transformed itself into a London Underground train and we were now going along what seemed to be either the Piccadilly or District line in the west of London. This wasn't a technicolour dream, just decidedly odd.
One dream that I had not long ago (not under the influence of drugs) was very strange. I met a character from my novel. Now, it's true that I based her on somebody that I knew many years ago, but the person in my dream was unquestionably the fictional character rather than the original. This has now developed into a standing joke at home because when I go to bed, I'm "accused" of "going off to another secret tryst with Lucy." This is all done in fun, I should add...
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