Do You Keep Anything In Your Fridge Or Freezer Others Might Find Odd?


1 Dec 2017
Local time
11:58 PM
SE Florida
We keep rats in our freezer and mealworms in the fridge. The rats are for the snake and the worms are for the curly-tails outside.
I keep batteries in the refrigerator door. I heard somewhere that extends the battery life. Not sure if it's true.
We have a big, long, hollowed out, ceramic, watermelon in our refrigerator.


It is right under the ice maker and that is where we store the eggs. (My mother made it many years ago)
I just found frozen bananas in my d.i.l freezer, wtf? I have lots of expensive stuff in mine, but nothing I'd call odd.?
Ok just thinking........nah, nothing odd. I've been called odd, does that count?

I used to keep batteries in the refrigerator. I quit, taking up to much space. I don't think it made a difference in or out of the refrigerator.

We make gingerbread houses every year. We don't eat them. So I buy all the frosting and decorations. Cheap on clearance, can't beat the deals. Why make it, if we're not eating it. All this gets stored in the refrigerator. The humidity is brutal, the stuff goes bad if not in cold storage.
I just found frozen bananas in my d.i.l freezer, wtf? I have lots of expensive stuff in mine, but nothing I'd call odd.?
Ok just thinking........nah, nothing odd. I've been called odd, does that count?


Banana bread, muffins, etc. Defrost in a bowel and save the liquid to use in the recipe.
I used to keep meal worms in the fridge when the kids had bearded dragon lizard thingies. Now, not so much. Or at least I don't think I do.
I just found frozen bananas in my d.i.l freezer, wtf? I have lots of expensive stuff in mine, but nothing I'd call odd.?
Ok just thinking........nah, nothing odd. I've been called odd, does that count?


Frozen chocolate covered bananas. Dip them in melted chocolate, and sprinkle them with chopped nuts. Disneyland (the happiest place on Earth, lol) sells them, frozen on a stick.
I thought having a lamb's head in my freezer might be odd... but rats - they win!

Like Karen, I also store batteries in the fridge, for the same reason. Not sure this works but hey.

My mealworms come dried, so they get stored out at the chicken coop.
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