Early Christmas Shopping


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
8:49 PM
With all sorts of shipping backlogs currently plaguing deliveries, I have decided to get my Christmas shopping out of the way early.

Yes, it's true, I have already been the victim of delayed shipments that have driven me to the brink of outrage. It isn't pleasant wondering where your packages are or whether you will ever receive them.

My Christmas presents (to myself as I am alone in the world) include some items for photography and other items for cooking. Most are already picked up by the shippers. One or two are special orders requiring manufacture to suite and have not yet been picked up.

I hope that members aren't set on waiting for that Friday after Thanksgiving day to do their shopping, thinking they will save a few bucks. As usual, it is always a good idea to shop after the turn of the year when the holidays are over for that, and expect delays receiving the bargains.
I'm of a mind to pretty well ignore Christmas this year. As long as I'm stocked up on booze it will be fine. I always have enough food. We abandoned present giving last Christmas (no visitors fue to Covid). My kids are all grown up and there are no grandchildren and to be honest, they can ill afford to spend money on presents. I very much doubt the kids will come here for Christmas dinner as I simply don't feel safe in an enclosed environment with others. They both work in jobs where they interact with the public.

Sorry if I sound negative. I'm not really, as I've never been keen on Christmas so its a relief not to bother! The worst aspect is the TV becomes virtually unwatchable during the Christmas period.
I'm of a mind to pretty well ignore Christmas this year. As long as I'm stocked up on booze it will be fine.

I'm with you! Although I'm rarely not stocked up.

Sorry if I sound negative. I'm not really, as I've never been keen on Christmas so its a relief not to bother! The worst aspect is the TV becomes virtually unwatchable during the Christmas period.

Christmas was virtually unheard of here 20 odd years ago. The stores, particularly the supermarkets, have since jumped on the bandwagon and even play Christmas carols over the Tannoy in December. 90% of the population haven't got a clue what it's all about but they appear to enjoy the "festivities" and spending their money.

We have a Christmas tree (plastic, of course) and my wife, for some reason, likes to dress it up in December. In fact, last year, she decided that the trimmings and lights were deteriorating and "not nice" any more and went out and bought some more.

Like you, I can do without it. At least we don't get it on the television.

This was last years.

Sorry if I sound negative. I'm not really, as I've never been keen on Christmas so its a relief not to bother! The worst aspect is the TV becomes virtually unwatchable during the Christmas period.
We've also decided, with some house repairs and the vacation we took, to largely give Christmas a miss this year, except for the food aspect. It just doesn't seem all that festive this...

Ok, that's a big fat lie. It's Christmas! We'll be doing the usual. Sunday, I'm already scheduled to get the outside lights up to make sure they're working, and to get a spot cleared for the main tree. Yay!

We've also already started watching Hallmark Christmas movies on TV. We just watched one about a rookie police detective paired on a stakeout with a bitter veteran, and they have to spy on a former criminal who may be robbing places again...spoiler alert, they fall in love during the stakeout and find out the guy they've been staking out is really a good guy after all, and they all celebrate Christmas together! They even move into the neighborhood at the end! Awwwww... 🥰 🎄
I really don´t care for Xmas presents, especially since everyone seems to think I need some other ridiculous item of clothing when I´m perfectly happy with a good book. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
What I DO like is the family aspect, however. This year we´ll be with young son & grandson and I´m sure we´ll be cooking up a storm!
Actually, I am just bumping along with my planned purchases as usual, but due to most people jumping on the Christmas band wagon, elected to push my purchases in advance of the holidays to avoid the shipping delays.

I have those wonderful movies I classify as Horror genre, "Scrooge" and "A Christmas Carol". They are ghost stories after all. I did recently purchase "The Miracle on 34th Street" for nostalgia. It's a cute movie about Christmas in my mind, - very commercial, very much about the annual shopping thing. I get some amusement out of it. Of course, there's that other Christmas movie that's worth a reflection, "Reindeer Games." That one is more about money, sex and the crimes that owe to infatuation with the bang bang shoot 'em up Hollywood lust for action movies that go back to the 30s Al Capone and Bonnie and Clyde lifestyles. Another is "Out of Sight", another such Christmas cheer crime movie is "Lethal Weapon." I was just reading an article about another shopping mall shooting spree, Christmas cheer at its finest. Out of all my Christmas movies, only one is family oriented and not a Horror story or Cops and Crime story. Yes, I rather enjoy "Miracle on 34th Street." It's a miracle that the movie exists at all.

BTW: I don't string lights or put up a tree, despite it being a fine Germanic tradition scooped up by the church and given religion. I don't go out to see how extravagant other people have gotten with their lighting either. I did get an email from Apple about their new MacPro Books and how to finance them. Now that's Christmas for you.

Happy Holidays!
I hope that members aren't set on waiting for that Friday after Thanksgiving day to do their shopping, thinking they will save a few bucks. As usual, it is always a good idea to shop after the turn of the year when the holidays are over for that, and expect delays receiving the bargains.
I'm not, I always start Christmas shopping in september. I want to avoid having to spend a lot in one go, so I slowly add things throughout the autumn months. As soon as stuff gets visible in the shops, I've already got most of my presents and stash in usually. I also don't shop on black friday out of principle.

We're not planning on a big Christmas party this year, also because we're expecting another lockdown with the way things are going here. We'll just have a quiet night together with some nice sushi as that's always a favorite for us both. My stepsons are at their mom's this year, so we'll keep it simple. My stash is just treats for the Christmas week in which I like to indulge a little extra. I do love having a tree, but I like all kinds of campy kitchy decorations so that's the highlight (literally) of the season for me!

I'm sorry to hear you have such a bad experience with packages! It's my main way of shopping, being disabled and thankfully here it's very reliable. I can imagine this is rage inducing for you.
I'm one of those people that start shopping on boxing day. :D

One year my wife bought me a rather expensive suitcase (I was travelling extensively at the time). In the week after Christmas she saw the same suitcase in the sales somewhat cheaper so she returned mine on the pretence that I didn't like it. Then she returned and bought one in the sale from a different salesperson.
One year my wife bought me a rather expensive suitcase (I was travelling extensively at the time). In the week after Christmas she saw the same suitcase in the sales somewhat cheaper so she returned mine on the pretence that I didn't like it. Then she returned and bought one in the sale from a different salesperson.
Sounds like something I would do. I'm a bargain hunter which goes hand in hand with early shopping, real early sometimes.
We've also already started watching Hallmark Christmas movies on TV. We just watched one about a rookie police detective paired on a stakeout with a bitter veteran, and they have to spy on a former criminal who may be robbing places again...spoiler alert, they fall in love during the stakeout and find out the guy they've been staking out is really a good guy after all, and they all celebrate Christmas together! They even move into the neighborhood at the end! Awwwww... 🥰 🎄
Something about me living in this day and age wishes that was two guys who fall in love, but never on Hallmark :laugh:
In find that incredibly frugal and smart.
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