Recipe Easy but Tasty Green Salad


16 Mar 2016
Local time
8:15 AM
I should admit I'm not a great fan of salads (especially green), but since I'm trying to eat healthy this year, I decided to give those green salads a second chance:) I experimented a little bit and actually ended up with a salad I absolutely adore. It's easy and nourishing, while at the same time it doesn't require many ingredients.
So, without further delay, here's the recipe:

Easy but Tasty Green Salad (what a name, eh?) :D

  • Green salad (I use lettuce)
  • Fresh Spinach
  • 1 tsp Honey
  • Cashew nuts
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Salt
  • Pepper
Chop the lettuce and spinach and put the in a bowl (or plate, whatever you prefer). Add olive oil and balsamic vinegar (I add approximately 2 tbsp of each). Add salt and pepper to taste.
Melt the honey and add it to the salad together with some crushed cashew nuts.


One such salad for lunch actually keeps me full for a few hours. I hope you like it too:)
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That looks good. I have been eating a lot of green salads lately. Last night I had a very similar salad to what you posted but it had salmon as the main course. I think that many people will enjoy green salads when they are looking for good health or to lose weight. They are often helpful adjuncts. I like your honey/vinegar addition.
Your salad does look good. I am a big salad person I like to add some chopped up meat like chicken or ham to my salads and a chopped egg will help me to stay full for hours. A piece of fruit with your salad is also very filling.
I got tricked here. I thought you were asking for suggestions and I actually went and Googled the very phrase. Anyway I like the one you presented and will still refer you this one I found.
Thank you so much, @winterybella ! I apologize for misleading you! This recipe, however, looks really good and I'm going to try it at some point (just have to search for some of the ingredients in the local markets...).

@kgord Salmon sounds great! I wonder if it will be tasty in combination with honey...

Thank you, @Pat I was actually thinking about adding pears but didn't gather the courage to do so:) I think I might try that tomorrow:)
Thank you so much, @winterybella ! I apologize for misleading you! This recipe, however, looks really good and I'm going to try it at some point (just have to search for some of the ingredients in the local markets...).
I like to be mislead. It keeps the excitement going:). I improvise when I can't find certain ingredients and often things turn out okay. I found quite a few recipes that would qualify but I too would have trouble finding some of the ingredients.
All the salads look really good but I do like to add some chicken to my salads to make them more of a meal then just a side dish. I also add eggs to mine as well. The thing about salad is that you can add anything to want to suit your taste and what you are looking for nutrition wise.
I like the looks of this salad. It looks really healthy. However, I would probably use it as a side dish rather than a meal in itself. The additions I would make to the salad would be some slices of avocado as well as a bit of cucumber. Maybe some sweet corn would also go well with it.
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