Eating raw seafoods like shrimp, octopus and lobster


3 Dec 2013
Local time
3:52 PM
Southeast Asia
Most Asian countries it is in their culture that they eat raw seafoods like in Thailand they eat raw shrimp, in Korea they eat raw octopus and in Japan they eat raw lobster. Do you think it is safe to eat these seafoods this way? What are your views when it comes to eating seafoods not cook? If you are from a Westernized countries had you experienced eating seafoods this way?
Watched Bear Grylls kill an octopus with his teeth then eat it raw - sort of put me off somehow :sick: As for eating seafood raw as a whole I'm with the above and apart from other concerns I mean just why ?
I have eaten some fish raw ,but knowing when it comes from is the big part,I have had octopus cerviche and am here to tell the tale,but read a report lately of a craze where octopus are cut up live and eaten still wriggling,
Noma in Copenhagen caused investigations for doing the same with langoustines, I know they sell a dish with live ants,
Some people will always to try to break boundaries
Having lived in Japan for a little while due to my husband's work, he would eat raw stuff all the time (me, personally - I like my stuff cooked!)

He used to love eating all the raw stuff. He never got sick or anything like that - but I think the standards of food prep seem a lot more stringent - things were always the freshest of the fresh. So I don't think there was ever a question of whether or not something was safe to consume.
I frequently eat raw oysters! And I've had raw clams. I don't have a problem if the seafood is ultra fresh but personally I wouldn't want to eat anything still wriggling!
I am not in favour of eating raw seafood and have never done so. I feel safer having these things cooked. Where shrimp is concerned, I have a bad reaction to that even when it is cooked, so eating it raw is definitely out. I have never eaten octopus or lobster, not even cooked, so I don't even know what they taste like.
I'll have to call in the guy from Bizarre Foods. I hope my live never depends upon because I am thinking I'd have to call friends and family to say my goodbyes. So I am going to pass on the raw seafood. It's difficult enough me trying to eat raw veg that's so good for me.
Octopus, in my opinion, is the nastiest and most gross smelling seafood that you'd ever want to cook & eat!!!! I wouldn't touch that stuff with a 39-1/2-foot pole!!! :headshake: :stop:
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Berties, I thought I'd be bold this morning and have a look. I had to look away but thankfully it was a dark video. I think these guys deserved some sort of medal for being able to do these things.
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I like my fish cooked. I watched a programme on either chinese of Japanese food, and there was a fish being prepared for a table. When it was served on a platter in the middle of the table, it was still moving, and the customers were tucking into it with some enthusiasm. Gross.
I like my fish cooked. I watched a programme on either chinese of Japanese food, and there was a fish being prepared for a table. When it was served on a platter in the middle of the table, it was still moving, and the customers were tucking into it with some enthusiasm. Gross.

I have seen similar programs and I have to say it's been unsettling to watch. I'd often turn my head away but still wanted to see that they would really eat whatever would gross me out. They always did and would comment on the taste. Once many some decades when I was in France, I had this experience where something with hair sticking out of it was brought to me. It might as well have been moving. I paid the bill ( regrettably) and left. The language barrier coupled with bad manners resulted in me being served with something that looked raw covered with some sort of sauce.:yuck::yuck::yuck: .
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