Edit Media Albums


RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
12:28 PM
I have 10 pages of media albums and over the years I've duplicated some albums, uploaded media into an inappropriate album, double posted an image, etc.

Is there a way to edit my media albums, i.e. delete files, cut and paste files into other albums, delete albums?

I suspect not but I confess I don't use the albums so I'm not very familiar with what is possible. Not speaking as a mod here, but personally I find them confusing and messy and I don't like the way they display in posts to include the data.

The reason you probably can't delete would be the same reason you can't delete a thread because it would delete any comments other members have made. As a mod I can probably do it - this is why I'm unsure because I will have permissions that you don't so I can't test the system.
Not speaking as a mod here, but personally I find them confusing and messy and I don't like the way they display in posts to include the data.

I agree.

I also dislike the way the albums are displayed. Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I find it far easier to find an album if it's from a text list, not a set of pictures. For that reason I've recently listed the albums of mine on alternative software (which is how I discovered the duplications).
I agree.

I also dislike the way the albums are displayed. Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I find it far easier to find an album if it's from a text list, not a set of pictures. For that reason I've recently listed the albums of mine on alternative software (which is how I discovered the duplications).

Bugger. I've lost my list. My newish laptop (still under warranty) has been returned to it's maker who discovered yesterday that the hard drive is captained and needs replacing. Before it left me I ensured that my back-ups were up to date but I missed one (the problems of old age). I've re-typed the list today and now have it backed up also.
I also dislike the way the albums are displayed. Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I find it far easier to find an album if it's from a text list, not a set of pictures.

I absolutely agree with this. I don't think its anything to do with being old fashioned - its to do with clarity of design lay out.
I believe I've sussed out how to manage the images and albums.

The software allows you to select albums or images "for moderation". Then at the bottom of the screen (not page), there is the facility to Delete, Change Privacy or Move the item. "For moderation" is the confusing part, "For editing/managing" may be a better phrase.
That is odd as it obviously implies only mods can do it.

Well, I've moved about 10 images and deleted the two albums from whence they came. However, I moved some other images but now I don't have the option to delete the empty album. Strange.

By the way, it's not a simple process.
Well, I've moved about 10 images and deleted the two albums from whence they came. However, I moved some other images but now I don't have the option to delete the empty album. Strange.

By the way, it's not a simple process.

Thanks for the update. I don't have any powers over the software here - but its useful to log these things.
I moved images from two other albums this morning but still cannot delete the empty albums (not given the choice).
I moved images from two other albums this morning but still cannot delete the empty albums (not given the choice).

I have the same issue. It just looks so naff having these deleted things ghost albums hanging about. I've pretty much given up on the media. I can't bear the way that every new image people add is displayed whether its food or not and including in some cases multiple similar shots. It upsets me so much aesthetically, that I can't bear to look at it.

If I want to look at people's photos I want to go to a nice clean interface which lists members names and their albums and then click through to what interests me. Its just a mess at the moment, IMHO.
I have the same issue. It just looks so naff having these deleted things ghost albums hanging about. I've pretty much given up on the media. I can't bear the way that every new image people add is displayed whether its food or not and including in some cases multiple similar shots. It upsets me so much aesthetically, that I can't bear to look at it.

If I want to look at people's photos I want to go to a nice clean interface which lists members names and their albums and then click through to what interests me. Its just a mess at the moment, IMHO.

Is SNSSO on holiday at the moment? I haven't seen her in a while.
Is SNSSO on holiday at the moment? I haven't seen her in a while.

She has issues at home and is very busy. She is very pro the Media section and wants to encourage everyone to use it. I've tried to explain the issues before... she knows my views. I don't think she can really change it as its pre-figured. Or if she can, it would be limited changes.
I have the same issue. It just looks so naff having these deleted things ghost albums hanging about.

The funny thing is that I deleted two empty albums earlier in the week but now I don't get the option. That has to be a bug?
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