Epicurious Stops Publication of New Beef Recipes


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
9:53 PM
oThis is dumb. An online food and recipe magazine publication has removed and prohibited publication of beef recipes, on the belief that it will help forestall climate change.

Where's the beef? (NOTE: a beef is an argument or terse disagreement between people in the USA)

I hope their stupid action drives beef prices down.
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Not sure where you heard this but I just hopped over there and there are plenty of beef recipes. I think they announced they won't be adding more beef recipes and this is why:

Every Question You Have About Cattle, Climate, and Why Epicurious Is Done With Beef

To quote:

Is Epicurious removing all beef recipes from the site?

No. All our previously published beef content is still available and there are no plans to remove it. You may also see beef pop up in our recipe galleries, most of which are archival pieces of content that get lightly updated every year.
These seem to be the two salient points (from Epicurious' press release):

We’re refraining from publishing new recipes that contain beef. We aren’t running feature articles about beef either. And because we won’t have new content about beef to share, beef will not be featured in our newsletters and social media feeds moving forward.
That's my emphasis.


Is Epicurious removing all beef recipes from the site?

No. All our previously published beef content is still available and there are no plans to remove it.
They're not removing anything, just no longer including new beef content.
Since I don't pay any money to subscribe to Epicurious, this doesn't really affect me. It's not like I go out and browse their site.

Normally, I'm looking for a recipe based on the name of a dish or an ingredient, and so I'll google something like "flank steak recipes" and whatever comes up, comes up, and that's what I'll browse through.

If Epicurious no longer sorts to the top of the results because their beef content isn't cutting edge recent...their loss, not mine. I'll just choose one of the 500,000 other recipes that pop up. :)
The part I find most bizarre is the illusion that people will stop buying beef (after all, the argument is the way processing negatively impacts the environment) just because they can't find a recipe on their site. I've never been swayed by any advertising or lack of it. In fairness, though, my family doesn't use my given name. They call me "the crazy b*tch". so there's that. LOL
The next time they say that, fix them with an icy stare, lower your voice to barely a whisper, then lean in close and in your best Dirty Harry voice say, "Yeah...and don't you <bleeping> forget it."

Keep 'em on their toes! :laugh:
That's funny. I would totally do that if I did estrange myself from them already. The last time I was there they ganged up on me and I ended up in the hospital for a week. I could endure the beating. I'm ticked off because they did they crap in front of my children. All bets are off when it comes to my babies.
The part I find most bizarre is the illusion that people will stop buying beef (after all, the argument is the way processing negatively impacts the environment) just because they can't find a recipe on their site. I've never been swayed by any advertising or lack of it. In fairness, though, my family doesn't use my given name. They call me "the crazy b*tch". so there's that. LOL

Maybe most folk won't stop buying beef but some might consider the issues. Epicurious have succeeded in getting the issue into the news and people talking. Its a bold move and I commend them for it.

As TastyReuben says, there is no shortage of beef recipes on the internet, so the fact that Epicurious has chosen to stop publishing any new ones is simply 'a point of principle' and possibly will result in some good publicity for them and a furthering of the debate about climate change.

I'm OK with it on a personal level. It wouldn't bother me if I never ate beef again. In fact I can't remember when I last did.
There are many countries in this world that rely on beef and all meats, to sustain themselves due to poor growing conditions, and cold winters...not all places have the ability to grow and or import fresh vegetables all year long...I uderstand the points of beef consumption, but not all solutions work for everybody..personally, I feel that if somebody is against it, don't eat it..but, to go out of your way to try and eradicate it for everybody else without really knowing the vast negative implications it would have on other societies, is short sighted...Like throwing out the baby with the bath water..

These are probably the same people who have no problem getting on a plane a few times a year for non essential travel..are they not contributing to climate change? Just reduce global commercial air traffic and let people have their cows...seems like a decent trade off..I think people eating should be more important than somebodies' vacation
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Maybe most folk won't stop buying beef but some might consider the issues. Epicurious have succeeded in getting the issue into the news and people talking. Its a bold move and I commend them for it.

As TastyReuben says, there is no shortage of beef recipes on the internet, so the fact that Epicurious has chosen to stop publishing any new ones is simply 'a point of principle' and possibly will result in some good publicity for them and a furthering of the debate about climate change.

I'm OK with it on a personal level. It wouldn't bother me if I never ate beef again. In fact I can't remember when I last did.
I hadn't read TastyReuben's post when I responded but totally agree. There are many sources for recipes.

I wonder how this movement is going to impact cooking shows and other recipe sites.
This is ridiculous, for cow farts ? But this is real I guess, now recently we had a story...

Supposedly Biden wanted this, to cut beef back to where we only got like a burger per month.

However it seems he is vulnerable to the same BS as his predecessor. It was false. I went to find a link to it and found thousands saying it was not true, and from all over. It was not just Snopes, which is FAIRLY trustable but not 100%.

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