Food faux pas: Asking for steak "well done"! Double-dipping! Putting ketchup on a Chicago hot dog!


Supersize Me!
11 Aug 2014
Local time
3:22 AM
These are just a few unforgivable food faux pas - what food faux pas have you been guilty of lately?
A well done steak cooked right is actually good. The faux pas there would be judging the person that wants a well done steak. Maybe the person has a medical condition and has to have well cooked meat. So thanks for making someone feel bad because they aren't perfect like the person saying something.
How a person wants a steak is between them and the chef. If someone chooses to tell them that they are committing a faux pas, then the person commenting obviously is suffering from a serious disease called cranial rectal inversion or insertion.
Now yes, the chef or waitress might recommend a different cut that is better suited to longer cooking.
Oh and on the question, none because I rightly don't give a rat's behind if some uppity-up thinks I am doing something wrong. Maybe the uppity should quit committing the faux pas of no manners.
Double-dipping :sick: - not me, but someone in my family! When I explained what she'd done wrong (putting food in her mouth, biting a bit off, then dipping again) she didn't understand what she'd done wrong. I stuck to sandwiches and nibbles for the rest of the night. :wink:
Double-dipping :sick: - not me, but someone in my family! When I explained what she'd done wrong (putting food in her mouth, biting a bit off, then dipping again) she didn't understand what she'd done wrong. I stuck to sandwiches and nibbles for the rest of the night. :wink:
If its my family we really don't mind! Didn't you ever lick the food off your baby's feeding spoon? And if you kiss your partner... well...
Double-dipping :sick: - not me, but someone in my family! When I explained what she'd done wrong (putting food in her mouth, biting a bit off, then dipping again) she didn't understand what she'd done wrong. I stuck to sandwiches and nibbles for the rest of the night. :wink:
Next time individual bowls.
If its my family we really don't mind! Didn't you ever lick the food off your baby's feeding spoon? And if you kiss your partner... well...
Well, there are exceptions ... :wink:

Perhaps it's the way she shovels the food in that adds to my distaste for her habit ... anyway, any of you drunk the wrong wine with the wrong fish or meat course?

I never know which way round the wine goes anyway. :facepalm:
Well, there are exceptions ... :wink:

Perhaps it's the way she shovels the food in that adds to my distaste for her habit ... anyway, any of you drunk the wrong wine with the wrong fish or meat course?

I never know which way round the wine goes anyway. :facepalm:
Not a wino. I preferred mixed drinks. Now I did once have an intense love affair with black raspberry wine coolers.
Seriously have never drank wine with food, but I think it is white for white meats and red for red meats.
Someone in my family always asks for extra salt before she has even tried the food. I made a delicious tomato salad the other day which included seasoning which I told her but she still wouldn't eat it without putting extra on.
Well, there are exceptions ... :wink:

Perhaps it's the way she shovels the food in that adds to my distaste for her habit ... anyway, any of you drunk the wrong wine with the wrong fish or meat course?

I never know which way round the wine goes anyway. :facepalm:

I don't mix food with drink in that way, only time is if we are having a dessert wine with dessert otherwise no.
Someone in my family always asks for extra salt before she has even tried the food. I made a delicious tomato salad the other day which included seasoning which I told her but she still wouldn't eat it without putting extra on.
I'm a salt addict and will pretty well always add more salt to things. Well, not salted crisps - I prefer unsalted and add your own salt.
Someone in my family always asks for extra salt before she has even tried the food. I made a delicious tomato salad the other day which included seasoning which I told her but she still wouldn't eat it without putting extra on.

Some people do like their salt although it is probably how they are raised, I only add to chips nothing else.
I don't mix food with drink in that way, only time is if we are having a dessert wine with dessert otherwise no.
I don't even enjoy eating dinner unless I have wine. When I gave up drinking (that was a while back) I couldn't eat anything for dinner except curry (hot) or boring stuff. I stopped cooking as well! Now I'm back on track... :drink::hungry:
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