Fried Rice.


12 Apr 2022
Local time
6:51 PM
I’m fortunate to have a high BTU wok burner to use outdoors.

I tend to have lots of leftover rice on hand. fried rice is my go-to quick meal to burn up leftovers. Bonus points, it’s fin to make.

I’ll never tire of it.

That's the way I like it too.

There is a safety concern with left over rice. This innocent left over grain can harbour bacteria. Here are the NHS guidelines which I'm sure very few people follow:

Can reheating rice cause food poisoning?
I always boil my rice fresh for the dish. I cook it for about a minute less than recommended, rinse under cold running water then leave for half an hour to dry before frying.
There is a safety concern with left over rice. This innocent left over grain can harbour bacteria. Here are the NHS guidelines which I'm sure very few people follow:
Personally I think those guidelines are appalling panic-mongering. Millions and millions of people all over the world re-heat rice, and often leave it hanging around outside the fridge for a good while. Obviously, the NHS has to write down stuff like this because it´s their job to do so, but then we get these ridiculous "panic" situations where people cook rice then immediately freeze it, refuse to eat garlic unless it´s in the form of garlic salt and throw away perfectly good food because it´s past its sell-by date.
I try to always cook rice at least a day ahead, spread it out on a baking sheet and then refrigerate so it will dry out. The texture of the finished fried rice is so much better when you do it that way.

Have to agree about some of the guidelines out there, especially when they are being applied at home versus a commercial kitchen.
I try to always cook rice at least a day ahead, spread it out on a baking sheet and then refrigerate so it will dry out. The texture of the finished fried rice is so much better when you do it that way.

Have to agree about some of the guidelines out there, especially when they are being applied at home versus a commercial kitchen.
I generally cook my rice the same day because often it doesn't occur to me what I am cooking for dinner until the morning or afternoon on the day of making it. I absolutely adore fried rice and I probably make it 3x a month, would like to do it more often but hubby prefers pasta. I like my fried rice better than the restaurants around here. When I lived in Florida and was really young, my dad regularly took me to a place called the Bangkok House that had the best fried rice I have ever eaten. I can see the dish and still remember what it smells and tastes like, so good! Thai-style fried rice is my favorite ever.

Having worked in restaurants, I think most of the pathogens lurk on people's hands, cross contamination issues or just improper handwashing. That definitely isn't going on in my kitchen. I wash my hands frequently and am careful about how I cut things up, usually chopping vegetables in advance of any meats, plus I change chopping mats accordingly and often wear food prep gloves.

And I often eat food past the recommended guidelines. I have eaten lasagna and other stuff that was 4-6 days old and never gotten sick. Fish I usually won't eat after 2 days, but other foods I am less concerned about.
every product on the planet has a data sheet that spells of doom and gloom for the user. we all love a good drama. :)

I take precautions since I tend to feed the elderly in my neighborhood as well. like wash my hands, etc. leftover rice can harbor bad stuff, but so can anything.

I rarely cook rice specifically for fried rice. it is a leftover dish for me.
every product on the planet has a data sheet that spells of doom and gloom for the user. we all love a good drama. :)

I take precautions since I tend to feed the elderly in my neighborhood as well. like wash my hands, etc. leftover rice can harbor bad stuff, but so can anything.

I rarely cook rice specifically for fried rice. it is a leftover dish for me.
I wish I could get my husband to enjoy rice more but he's a pasta guy. Italian American, nuff said, LOL.
Feed him arancini. Risotto. :laugh: :laugh:
Work interferes with my plans pretty often :headshake:and it's easier to make a big pot of sauce and just make pasta. He's home puttering in the garden while I am out working, seems to work out okay :thumbsup: but that's a good idea for one of these times where I have time to do something like that.
I keep rice that has been cooked and stashed in the `fridge, pot and all, for a few days. If it doesn't get eaten within say 2 days, it goes in a zip-top bag and into the deep freeze for Fried Rice later.
Geez, I don't think I've made any Fried Rice this month ... better get crackin' !
I like Spam® and Portuguese Sausage aka Linguica Fried Rice the best.
I don't think I have any plans for tomorrow, maybe I'll do that!
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