Recipe Garlic Gold Dust

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
7:37 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Here is the thing. Its garlic gold dust. What you do is zap cloves of garlic (skin on) in the microwave for 1 minute 20 seconds. Times may vary according to your microwave so be prepared to sacrifice a few cloves. Take out and allow to cool for a few minutes. Slip off the skin. It should look like this and should feel hard once cooled:


Then you grate it using a microplane:


The resulting powder is a umami bomb. Just sniff it and you will know what I mean. Sprinkle it on egg dishes or if you make enough, add a teaspoon to sauces etc.

Word of warning: grate each clove separately onto a plate. Sometimes the centre of the clove becomes incinerated and black so if you grate this into your powder you will ruin the batch.

You can cook several garlic cloves at once:


These came out a bit darker in colour:

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I really hope someone else tries this. I could do with feedback as I seem to have made a new discovery!
It sounds like it's somewhere between fresh garlic and fully-dried garlic powder. Maybe it has less of that harshness that regular garlic powder has.
Does it taste like roasted garlic? I'd like to try it but I'm afraid it will smell up the microwave (and the kitchen) and my spouse will complain.
Thanks for the reminder. I've just this minute made it and agree. Wow. A lovely flavour. A mellow richness. I'm going to sprinkle some on my tomato salad for supper.

Glad it worked. Maybe I should market it... Funnily enough I'm not entirely sure if it works in cooked dishes. I added some to a sauce and wasn't convinced but maybe I didn't add enough. Sprinkled on things its brilliant, particularly creamy cheese, eggs, and salads. It would be good on potatoes too.

C'mon TastyReuben, are you going to make some?
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Does it taste like roasted garlic? I'd like to try it but I'm afraid it will smell up the microwave (and the kitchen) and my spouse will complain.

It doesn't seem to smell up the microwave or kitchen. I think it tastes a bit like roasted but more intense. Not like any garlic I've had before.
I can confirm it is very tasty on avocado toast and in a mushroom/pasta dish.

Note: I tried to make some more and failed! It either became burnt inside or was too soft and not toasted. Maybe it was because I was trying to cook too many cloves at once.

This is a warning to anyone who tries this - do it one clove at a time and ensure the clove is completely dried out before grating. Back to try again tomorrow. I got too upset to persist today... :(
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