Genetically Altered Foods


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
7:21 AM
It was once upon a time, a hot topic of fierce protest and debate, genetically altering foods, especially produce, and rarely, meats. The protests and arguments took place, even knowing that most foods were the product of hybridization of variants within species of produce and meats. Indeed, our pets, dogs for example, are often, hybrids.

I suspect, that the organic food craze has subsequently ameliorated the protests and arguments against genetically altered foods and today, they exist without much fanfare. The other thing that has diverted attention is 'cloning'.

How do you feel today, about genetically engineered food items?
Genetically altered foods used to be labeled GMO (Genetically Modified Organism), but the US Food Labeling Regulations have ruled that these are now termed 'bio-engineered'.
I actually like it, there's so much potential in that science and so many problems can be solved with GMO, the discussion/fights between the companies and the farmers are pretty gruesome and sometimes I prey for peace, but then we wouldn't be what we're.
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