Gluten free diet?


Über Member
19 Dec 2016
Local time
6:51 AM
What do you guys think about gluten free diets? It seems to be everywhere and so many people say the are gluten intolerant. I don't know what to think. My friend has been discussing it tonight and thinks it is the way to go. I'm not so keen...
I read somewhere something that sounded ever so true. Eat too much bread and you will feel bloated. You are not necessarily gluten intolerant, you have just eaten too much.
To me, that sounds so very true.

The only time either myself or my husband have experienced excessive wind (not bloating, wind) was after eating some homemade seiten which is basically wheat gluten and nothing else. I had made some as an alternative to tofu for a change and don't get me wrong, it was delicious and worked exceptionally well in the dish we made, but we both had the most horrendous wind and associated pain afterwards. Neither of us are gluten intolerant just from that one experience. It is just that we clearly ate way too much gluten for our bodies to handle and I personally think that the same is probably true for the vast majority (but not necessarily all) of those who claim to be gluten intolerant. Now it would be a totally different matter if a couple of mouthfuls of bread caused the same issues. But people are exceptionally prone to overeating nowadays and we have lost sense of all portion control. Over eat on something high in fat and no-one would be at all surprised if you put weight on. Over eat on something very high in sugar and no-one would say you are diabetic from that one experience (you may not sleep very well, or be exceptionally higher all day but you are not diabetic or intolerant to sugar) and surprise surprise, over drink on alcohol and end up exceptionally drunk, paralytic etc and no one would say you are intolerant to alcohol. Yet with gluten people often seem to say that they are intolerant to gluten based on a single bad experience of wind/stomach cramping or flatulence or any other of the symptoms.... I don't understand it.
I read somewhere something that sounded ever so true. Eat too much bread and you will feel bloated. You are not necessarily gluten intolerant, you have just eaten too much.
To me, that sounds so very true.

The only time either myself or my husband have experienced excessive wind (not bloating, wind) was after eating some homemade seiten which is basically wheat gluten and nothing else. I had made some as an alternative to tofu for a change and don't get me wrong, it was delicious and worked exceptionally well in the dish we made, but we both had the most horrendous wind and associated pain afterwards. Neither of us are gluten intolerant just from that one experience. It is just that we clearly ate way too much gluten for our bodies to handle and I personally think that the same is probably true for the vast majority (but not necessarily all) of those who claim to be gluten intolerant. Now it would be a totally different matter if a couple of mouthfuls of bread caused the same issues. But people are exceptionally prone to overeating nowadays and we have lost sense of all portion control. Over eat on something high in fat and no-one would be at all surprised if you put weight on. Over eat on something very high in sugar and no-one would say you are diabetic from that one experience (you may not sleep very well, or be exceptionally higher all day but you are not diabetic or intolerant to sugar) and surprise surprise, over drink on alcohol and end up exceptionally drunk, paralytic etc and no one would say you are intolerant to alcohol. Yet with gluten people often seem to say that they are intolerant to gluten based on a single bad experience of wind/stomach cramping or flatulence or any other of the symptoms.... I don't understand it.
I have talked to a couple of people with celiac disease. I guarantee there are more symptoms than just minor stomach issues. Yes, I consider wind minor.
I have talked to a couple of people with celiac disease. I guarantee there are more symptoms than just minor stomach issues. Yes, I consider wind minor.
I never said anything about celiac disease. You are putting words into my reply and deliberately misquoting me. I was replying to the OP regarding people jumping on the bandwagon. I know several people with far worse issues than just celiac and I would be exceptionally grateful if you did not take my reply out of context again.
I never said anything about celiac disease. You are putting words into my reply and deliberately misquoting me. I was replying to the OP regarding people jumping on the bandwagon. I know several people with far worse issues than just celiac and I would be exceptionally grateful if you did not take my reply out of context again.
I wasn't taking you out of context. I was actually agreeing with you. The people I know that have to avoid gluten have celiac disease. Everyone else is just fadding.
I was referring strictly to the gluten.
And you are so right, one tummy ache does not mean an intolerance.

I'm sorry we misunderstood each other.

And I too know people with worse problems myself but not related to gluten.
I read somewhere something that sounded ever so true. Eat too much bread and you will feel bloated. You are not necessarily gluten intolerant, you have just eaten too much.
To me, that sounds so very true.

The only time either myself or my husband have experienced excessive wind (not bloating, wind) was after eating some homemade seiten which is basically wheat gluten and nothing else. I had made some as an alternative to tofu for a change and don't get me wrong, it was delicious and worked exceptionally well in the dish we made, but we both had the most horrendous wind and associated pain afterwards. Neither of us are gluten intolerant just from that one experience. It is just that we clearly ate way too much gluten for our bodies to handle and I personally think that the same is probably true for the vast majority (but not necessarily all) of those who claim to be gluten intolerant. Now it would be a totally different matter if a couple of mouthfuls of bread caused the same issues. But people are exceptionally prone to overeating nowadays and we have lost sense of all portion control. Over eat on something high in fat and no-one would be at all surprised if you put weight on. Over eat on something very high in sugar and no-one would say you are diabetic from that one experience (you may not sleep very well, or be exceptionally higher all day but you are not diabetic or intolerant to sugar) and surprise surprise, over drink on alcohol and end up exceptionally drunk, paralytic etc and no one would say you are intolerant to alcohol. Yet with gluten people often seem to say that they are intolerant to gluten based on a single bad experience of wind/stomach cramping or flatulence or any other of the symptoms.... I don't understand it.

That's really well explained.
I wasn't taking you out of context. I was actually agreeing with you. The people I know that have to avoid gluten have celiac disease. Everyone else is just fadding.
I was referring strictly to the gluten.
And you are so right, one tummy ache does not mean an intolerance.

I'm sorry we misunderstood each other.

And I too know people with worse problems myself but not related to gluten.
Apologies, I've had a seriously bad week and am very tired. If i misunderstood you please accept my apologies, it is just quoting me rather than just using the tag sign (the at @ sign indoor of my username, just type the first few letters in and the system will automatically suggest a name, just select it) implied to me along with what you said that you were disagreeing not agreeing with me.

I have friends with chron's disease and one who can eat so little he actually makes me look healthy and that is really doing well. He was on steroids for a very long time as a teenager before their dangers and side effects were known. How he manages is beyond me but he manages to cook up some great meals everything's we visited (we lived very close by in the UK and used to dog sit for them and house sit quite frequently).

I read of and know too many people who decide without medical knowledge or reason, or even talking to their gp that they ate intolerant to gluten which annoys me intensely. Plus the really annoying one for me, at least, which happens the world over is the response to a query on anything dairy free, no but we have gluten free... How is milk even vaguely connected to wheat etc?

To the OP @alexander ask you friend if they have discussed this with their doctor. if there is no medical reason for cutting out gluten from their diet, they are removing a very large area of food from their diet which could have a major negative impact on their health. Almost every meal and snack contains gluten in it from bread or cereal at breakfast, bread, wraps or similar at dinner time, to non-sugar carbohydrates for their evening meal.

If you look up their last 24hrs of food with them, I would be exceptionally surprised if all of the meals did not contain gluten in them. Just getting them to photograph everything they eat will make them realise how much they are consuming in a day.

Is your friend in particular overweight or just hoping for some miracle cure to aches and pains?
@SatNavSaysStraightOn, the only connection I can come with between dairy free and gluten free is the word free.
Your friend has my sympathies.
Now I take spells though not as many now that I am up to a reasonable weight for my height where I can't eat pork. And even now I have to watch portion control. I do so wish the bbq place that has all you can eat ribs would have specified what animal. I thought they were beef.
If you look up their last 24hrs of food with them, I would be exceptionally surprised if all of the meals did not contain gluten in them. Just getting them to photograph everything they eat will make them realise how much they are consuming in a day.

Is your friend in particular overweight or just hoping for some miracle cure to aches and pains?

Well, I am the person who cooks all his food (except what he eats at work). Sorry, I should have made it clearer that he was my partner. I never know the right way to put it. Partner sounds like a business partner! Ha ha! We are a couple. And I'm chief cook and bottle-washer!

He isn't overweight very much. He is a bit depressed about his work situation. I think he would be better off going to the gym or swimming.
Well, I am the person who cooks all his food (except what he eats at work). Sorry, I should have made it clearer that he was my partner. I never know the right way to put it. Partner sounds like a business partner! Ha ha! We are a couple. And I'm chief cook and bottle-washer!

He isn't overweight very much. He is a bit depressed about his work situation. I think he would be better off going to the gym or swimming.

I found out i'm a celiac a year ago but beside that had so many pains and aches in my muscles and joints. since I follow a gluten free diet I feel better then ever. My joints wont hurt so much and I lost 12 Kg's just by skipping the gluten out of my diet and not mixing protein sources in dishes.

Trying never hurts anyone and if it's not for him you'll find something else. :highfive:
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