Have you ever tried using bean sprouts in cooking your fried rice?


3 Dec 2013
Local time
3:45 PM
Southeast Asia
The other week me and my friend tried to order in a certain restaurant a fried rice that is new to us.....the cooked rice is sauteed in garlic and onion with small shrimp and squid, chopped pork belly, chopped cabbage and bean sprouts which is new to us. The fried rice is a little bit spicy but it is just okay and I think they used a chili seasoning sauce and a soy sauce and sesame oil to give taste to the fried rice. One big serving plate is where the fried rice is serve and is already good for two persons and it is really delicious and we both feel full after eating a serving of the fried rice. That is why after a few days I tried it on my own at home using also the bean sprouts that I am not using before in cooking my fried rice. And it really makes a difference and its good!

How about you have you ever tried using bean sprouts in cooking your fried rice?
Ii have used bean sprouts in my fried rice. I really like them. I always use them with all my stir fries too. The rice you described sounds really good and very filling. There were a lot of ingredients in it. I am sure the shrimp, squid and pork gave it an awesome flavor. Got my mouth watering just thinking of it.
I usually use bean sprouts in my vegetable stir fry. When I am in the mood for some rice noodles I make sure I use bean sprouts. I learned that from a Chinese friend who taught me how to cook Mei Fun not sure if that is the right spelling. It is a stir fried noodles with eggs and sprouts.
No is my answer to the thread's title. Bean sprouts is good for the spring roll, that wrapped thing that you fry. It is also a good side dish or garnishing of steamed rice. But in fried rice, there seems to be a peculiar taste exuded by the bean sprout. It's like the bean sprout does not meld well with the fried rice. Maybe it is the effect of the cooking oil on the bean sprout. So maybe for stir frying noodles, you just add a blanched bean sprouts, that's my suggestion for a better taste.
The other week me and my friend tried to order in a certain restaurant a fried rice that is new to us.....the cooked rice is sauteed in garlic and onion with small shrimp and squid, chopped pork belly, chopped cabbage and bean sprouts which is new to us. The fried rice is a little bit spicy but it is just okay and I think they used a chili seasoning sauce and a soy sauce and sesame oil to give taste to the fried rice. One big serving plate is where the fried rice is serve and is already good for two persons and it is really delicious and we both feel full after eating a serving of the fried rice. That is why after a few days I tried it on my own at home using also the bean sprouts that I am not using before in cooking my fried rice. And it really makes a difference and its good!

How about you have you ever tried using bean sprouts in cooking your fried rice?

Yes I have.

I also put bean sprouts in stir fry veggies as well as meat dishes. :wink:
@L_B Yes you right the fried rice that I had described with bean sprouts is really good! Maybe other people had just heard now about this. But here in our place we are using bean sprouts in a lot of ways and not only for stir frying and other things...We are also using bean sprouts in some of our stews and soup dishes. In cooking sometimes we should be creative for a change in taste in our recipes.

@Shermie It's great that you are also using bean sprouts in your fried rice and I am sure you had your own recipe that also taste good! :)
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No, but I could if I find them. I remember seeing these things and buying them many years ago out of pure curiosity. It was back in the day when I looking to experiment a lot in kitchen. I could see how it would work well in the stir fry. I would not mind seeing a picture ReadmeByAmy to make sure we are talking about the same thing.
@L_B Yes you right the fried rice that I had described with bean sprouts is really good! Maybe other people had just heard now about this. But here in our place we are using bean sprouts in a lot of ways and not only for stir frying and other things...We are also using bean sprouts in some of our stews and soup dishes. In cooking sometimes we should be creative for a change in taste in our recipes.

Wow that is very interesting. I have only ever used them in a stir fry but maybe I will start truing them out in other things.
I sure they would be awesome in stews and soups. I just never thought of that before!
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