Help choose 'Dish of the month' for September

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Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
6:15 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
'Dish of the Month' focusses on an accessible and generic dish, so that members can join in, cook and post the results. Its non competitive. So far we have had frittata/omelettes, burgers, pizza, tortilla based dishes (included tacos), savoury pies, pasta salad, pancakes/waffles, gratins, kebabs, meatloaf, chilli, risotto, macaroni cheese, potato salad, dumplings and quiche/savoury tart.

New suggestions are welcome but it needs to be a dish with fairly easily available ingredients in our various countries and a dish which offers the chance for different interpretations. Past suggestions have included eggs Benedict/royale, Yorkshire puddings/popovers, pho, sushi.

Please feel free to support one of these suggestions or add new ones, with the above criteria in mind. We will make a decision based on which dish gets most mentions, so please join in and support a suggestion or come up with another idea.
Needs a more specific dish. We currently have savoury tarts/quiche as the August dish so maybe not pastry again. Some type of stew could be good: Irish stew?
Temperature is 90 here today, I am thinking stew would be better in October, LOL.

I vote sushi!
How about stuffed peppers?
The only thing is, Irish stew is potatoes, carrots and meat; or meat, carrots and potatoes. Stew in general, a bit more scope.
Sushi has loads of creative options; so does "stuffed peppers". Or stuffed vegetables.
Or chocolate cake...
Yeah, I'd be okay with stuffed peppers. In fact, we have some Hungarian hots growing in the garden and I have stuffed those with sausage and cheese in the past and plan to do so sometime in the next two weeks or so (they aren't quite ripe just yet). Quite yummy. So yeah, that works. Stuffed peppers pretty much falls under the stuffed vegetables category so that's fine, not really interested in stuffing any other vegetables, though.

Not interested in chocolate cake, really. I like it but I don't need to bake a whole cake to sit there and rot on the counter with only one piece taken out of it.

So sushi or stuffed peppers works!
And here was 1.9°C this morning.
When I mentioned October, I was taking into consideration that it wouldn't be too hot in Australia or New Zealand yet to enjoy stew, and not cold here just yet but comfortable enough.
Yeah, I'd be okay with stuffed peppers. In fact, we have some Hungarian hots growing in the garden and I have stuffed those with sausage and cheese in the past and plan to do so sometime in the next two weeks or so (they aren't quite ripe just yet). Quite yummy. So yeah, that works. Stuffed peppers pretty much falls under the stuffed vegetables category so that's fine, not really interested in stuffing any other vegetables, though.

Not interested in chocolate cake, really. I like it but I don't need to bake a whole cake to sit there and rot on the counter with only one piece taken out of it.

So sushi or stuffed peppers works!
OT just real quick ... JAS_OH1 have you ever checked out this little girlie's site?
Small Cake Recipes to make 6 Inch cakes
Small cakes (well, desserts and so forth) for two!
I got me two six inch cake pans and make small recipes for just us two, they're perfect!
OT just real quick ... JAS_OH1 have you ever checked out this little girlie's site?
Small Cake Recipes to make 6 Inch cakes
Small cakes (well, desserts and so forth) for two!
I got me two six inch cake pans and make small recipes for just us two, they're perfect!
I bake from a box so I'd have to cut the mix into 4ths and then put the other 3 portions of cake mix in ziplocks to store for another time down the road, and even that would be too much cake. Hubby won't touch it. I do appreciate the tip but it seems like a lot of trouble to go through to make something I don't crave and rarely think about. I just don't really have a sweet tooth and I usually opt for yogurt and fruit when I do. Thanks though!
When I mentioned October, I was taking into consideration that it wouldn't be too hot in Australia or New Zealand yet to enjoy stew, and not cold here just yet but comfortable enough.
Who knows. Yesterday hit 18°C in the south east, today in the NT, it is expected to reach 31°C, so it varies. Give it 6 weeks and we'll probably be hitting 30°C daytime and no doubt complaining about the rain and flooding.
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