Homemade soup freezer problem


Senior Member
15 Dec 2018
Local time
2:14 AM
I made a big pot of sweet potato and carrot soup about two months ago. I left it go cold and then put portions of it into plastic freezer friendly containers and placed them in the freezer. All along it looked and tasted fine but I took one out yesterday and it had totally lost its orange colour, it was a pale cream colour. Can someone please help me with this.
After a little googling, it's because of what happens during the freezing process:

1. Freezing breaks down the starches and sugars in the vegetables, leading to a thinner soup.

2. Salt allows for the fats to oxidize in frozen foods, which leads to losing some of the savory taste. Fat is flavor and if it oxidizes, your flavor goes with it.

3. Home freezers work slowly and allow the creation of large ice crystals in any vegetables in the soup. This causes more flavor loss.

Hope that helps!
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