Recipe Hot Burgers


Legendary Member
12 Mar 2016
Local time
9:01 PM
Shropshire, UK
Hot Burgers

Ingredients (makes 4)
500g chuck steak and ribeye (1:1 ratio), minced coarsely
1 tbsp English Mustard
1 tbsp Marmite
1/2 tbsp horseradish sauce.
Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Combine the ingredients in a bowl, Divide into four patties, and shape. Grill or fry in a little oil until cooked to taste. If you have minced the beef yourself, and been meticulous with hygiene you can opt for a less than well done burger, otherwise stick to FSA recommended 160 deg F internal temperature.

Serve in a bun (brioche, if you must) with whatever takes your fancy (cheese, bacon, relish, pickles etc.) but go for something that counters the heat of the burger.
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