Retro Recipe Iced Gingerbread.


30 Jun 2018
Local time
7:26 AM
Audrey Ellis, Hamlyn all Colour Cookbook, 1970-1977

The recipe uses old imperial measures, I simply switched my scales to lb and oz. for authenticity. Obviously, you can convert to metric if you wish.

4 oz Margarine
6 oz black treacle
2 oz golden syrup
¼ pint milk
2 eggs
8 oz plain flour
2 oz caster sugar
1 rounded teaspoon mixed spice
1 level teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
2 level teaspoons ground ginger

8 oz icing sugar
2 tablespoons water
crystallised ginger slices.

1¼ to 1½ hours @ 310°F Gas mark 2 (I used 1 hour and 5 minutes at 140°C with oven set @ normal fan assist)
Melt margarine, treacle and syrup together in a saucepan, add milk and allow to cool.
Beat eggs and add to mixture.
Sieve all the dry ingredients so that they are well combined.
Slowly add the liquid to the dry ingredients mixing with a metal spoon.
Pour into a greased and lined 2lb loaf tin. (I used my home made goop and a pre made loaf tin liner.)
Bake in centre of oven till done (cake tester skewer comes out clean and top of cake 'bounces back' when pressed.)
Remove from tin, cool on a wire tray and remove paper liner.

Sieve icing sugar well and add water until a firm coating consistency is achieved.
Pour over top of cake and smooth out.
Decorate with ginger slices.

What made this work for me;
This made a nice tasting, moist cake that was easy and trouble free to make.

What I would do differently;
There was a lack of a taste of ginger so I would probably double the amount of ground ginger used.
The cake was very dark so I would experiment with the ratio of golden syrup to treacle to lighten the colour of the cake. I did however use quite old treacle so not sure if it darkens with age.
I couldn't get crystallised ginger so used bottled preserved ginger instead.
I would probably use a little less icing sugar as 8 oz was quite a lot to spread on top of the cake.

Not sure what tags to use, could someone add them or advise me on which to use?
And should I add a pic?

Last edited:
6 oz black treacle

A favourite ingredient of mine.

I couldn't get crystallised ginger so used bottled preserved ginger instead.

I would have thought that better - moister and more succulent.

Not sure what tags to use, could someone add them or advise me on which to use?
And should I add a pic?

Tags are whatever seems common sense. They are used in searches - so 'ginger' and 'cake' are the obvious. And its vegetarian so you could add that tag.

Upload the photo you posted before. You should be able to edit your post to add it. PM me if you need help to do this.
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