I'm Watching What I Eat (2024)

I lost weight while not trying, 3 kilo's already ( roughly 7 lbs) . When trying nothing happened so I stopped a while ago.
I mean what?? I am so confused by my body sometimes 🤣
So weigh in morning again... I've spent the week hungry, so've taken to eating toast mid morning in an attempt to stop me picking... I've also had a busy week but I wasn't expecting to have lost 1.4kg in 7 days! Down to 68.6kg this morning. I even moved the scales to another area to check they were not being affected by the slightly uneven floor in the bathroom (for drainage purposes), no change.
I lost weight while not trying, 3 kilo's already ( roughly 7 lbs) . When trying nothing happened so I stopped a while ago.
I mean what?? I am so confused by my body sometimes 🤣

I suppose unless you keep a meticulous food and exercise diary its impossible to know!
While still eating way too many carbs, and a snack or snacks or a meal way too late, 10 pm, 10,30 pm...I feel better since I re-started jogging. But I would love to transform my diet, at least during the school break.

Also working on some muscle gain, but too little...so many improvement roads ahead.😊😊😊

I don't own a scale, but will notice in my clothes.
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