
Forum GOD!
3 Dec 2017
Local time
5:31 PM
SE Florida
Irish burgers (makes 4)


2 pounds starchy potato
1-1/2 Tbsp unsalted butter

1/2 of a smallish green cabbage head (divided in half, so 2 quarters)
6 thin slices of pancetta (think pepperoni thin) or 2-3 slices of a peppery bacon, diced finely
1 Tbsp EVOO

4 medium garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 whole large egg
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup EVOO
2/3 cup vegetable or canola oil

1 pound ground chuck or round beef (divided into 4 equal parts)

2 small ripe tomatoes, thinly sliced, lightly salted and peppered, and drained on paper towels to absorb excess juice


Peel potatoes if desired, wash them well if you don't. Cut potatoes into pieces and place into salted water. Bring to a boil and cook until done. Drain well. Add butter and mash, adding pepper if desired. Add milk until you have a fairly thick mash. Set aside to cool.

Slice 1 of the cabbage quarters thinly, then run a knife through and rough chop so no particularly large pieces remain.

Add EVOO to an 8 inch skillet over medium low heat. Add pancetta and chopped cabbage. Saute until pancetta is starting to crisp. Add a little water to skillet and cook until cabbage is done to your desire, adding a little more water as needed. Make sure all the water is cooked out. Set aside to cool.

Make the aioli by placing the garlic, mustard, egg, lemon juice and a couple of pinches of salt and pepper (I used white) in a blender or immersion blender bowl. Blend well. Start adding the oil about 2 tsp at a time and blending well, then adding 2 tsp more, blending well again, etc. Once the emulsion forms, you can add the oil at a faster rate, just don't dump it all in there at once. Taste along the way and add additional salt and pepper if needed. Cover and place in the refrigerator, allowing it to rest for at least 30 minutes.

Chunk up the additional quarter of cabbage and process in a food processor until it is the size you desire. Alternatively, thinly slice. Add about half of the aioli, a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a little milk to thin out the aioli, and a couple of good pinches or salt and pepper, plus a good pinch of sugar. Mix well, allow to meld, then taste and adjust seasoning as needed.

Form the ground beef into 4-1/2 inch patties to allow for shrinkage. I used a 4 inch ring mold then patted them out a bit more. Salt and pepper on each side. Grill or broil to your doneness choice.

Divide the potato mixture into 4 equal portions and pat out to a 4 inch potato cake. I used a ring mold and formed each on wax paper. In a nonstick skillet, heat about 1/2 inch of vegetable oil over medium high heat and fry the potato cakes until golden brown.

To serve, place the potato cake on a plate, you can anchor it with a bit of the aioli if desired, then place the patty on the cake, then add some slaw, then the tomato slices. Drizzle or dollop some aioli on top and serve.
Wow, wonderful! I really like the potato cake and burger on top concept! I think my daughter would simply love it. Me too, to be honest. The aioli seems to play a very important role. If I may ask, what does the apple cider vinegar do? As it already has lemon juice in, I was wondering if one could add more lemon juice, instead of the apple cide vinegar? I am selfishly trying to see, if I can avoid the apple c vinegar, as I am not very fond of it (if one can hardly taste it, no problem), but I will look at the recipe as perfect, as it is. I have no doubt it tastes great. The consistency of the aioli also looks perfect.
The cider vinegar is just in the slaw and it helps cut the creamy richness of the homemade aioli, which is a lot thicker and richer than purchased mayo. You can't taste it. It just acts as a helper to thin some and as a flavor brightener/lightener.

I don't know if i would add lemon juice instead. It would add a taste and perhaps require you to add more sugar. I suppose it would be a matter of individual taste though.

Apple cider vinegar and rice vinegar have a much milder taste to me than other vinegars and i tend to use them in lighter tasting dishes when i need to add acid.

And thank you BTW.
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