Is Anyone Here on a Vitamin Regimen?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
6:24 PM
Brighton, MA.
I have begun a vitamin regimen after having suffered from a bad cold inside of about 2-1/2 months apart from each other!! I haven't had that happen to me that I can ever remember! So in order to eliminate that from ever happening again, I've begun to emark on a vitamin regimen to ward off any chances of a bad cold striking a 3rd time. Yesterday, I've added to the morning medicine does Vitamins C, E, & d, which I was already taking. I had also wanted Zinc, but forgot to get it. I'm trying to stay away from getting another bad cold. They are so terrible to have & they make you so miserable!! Also, I think eating right might have something to do with it. I've been skipping breakfast for so long! it's supposed to be the most important meal of the day!! I'm supposed to eat in small amounts to keep the weight down. I'll see what happens in about a months time. :whistling:
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A cold is a virus, so there is absolutely no guarantee that it won´t strike again, and again, and again. There´s no cure, unfortunately; but I agree that having a cold is horrible.
I was always told as a child that "lots of Vitamin C" was key to holding off a cold.It might help, but I don´t think it will completely eliminate the threat for ever and ever amen.
As for skipping breakfast - don´t. It´s far and away the most important meal of the day. Your body has already gone (probably) 10 hours without food (since dinner+ 8 hours sleep), so skipping another 4-5 hours is only going to stress out your immune system. And when that happens, in comes the cold!
You know, I have not been sick (a cold or the flu) since the mid 90's and I've always attributed that to a strict policy of home made everything and regular exercise, so from my point of view "eating right" has everything to do with avoiding colds. 😉

In Japan, they sell packets of dried greens the most popular being aojiru and people take it in place of vitamins tablets. If that's an option for you, getting your vitamins from a food source instead of synthesised might be a better option. Also, there's research that shows that taking a long, hot bath raises the inner body temperature simulating a fever in the body. Long baths and onsen are a part of Japanese culture which is partly used to explain Japanese health and longevity (at least over here). #TheMoreYouKnow. :wink:
I take a once-daily multivitamin, something my doctor recommended when I turned 50. Other than that, no other vitamins.

Im another one who’s had very, very few colds, if any, the past several years. I attribute it directly to the move from working in the office to working at home.
I take vitamins daily, but in my opinion, it's vitamins through your food that are the most beneficial. Before I travel, I always take Airborne for a few days prior. Seems to help keep the germies away.
A cold is a virus, so there is absolutely no guarantee that it won´t strike again, and again, and again. There´s no cure, unfortunately; but I agree that having a cold is horrible.
I was always told as a child that "lots of Vitamin C" was key to holding off a cold.It might help, but I don´t think it will completely eliminate the threat for ever and ever amen.
As for skipping breakfast - don´t. It´s far and away the most important meal of the day. Your body has already gone (probably) 10 hours without food (since dinner+ 8 hours sleep), so skipping another 4-5 hours is only going to stress out your immune system. And when that happens, in comes the cold!
I may be different as I hardly ever get a cold. Once in 3 years from memory and I hardly ever have brekky. I only have lunch about 50% of the time. I keep really good health but in saying that I have been a bit " crook" a couple of times this year.
My daughter dropped off vitamin b tablets for me. They are so hard to take, they are massive. I take occasionally to appease her.

I may be different as I hardly ever get a cold. Once in 3 years from memory and I hardly ever have brekky. I only have lunch about 50% of the time. I keep really good health but in saying that I have been a bit " crook" a couple of times this year.
My daughter dropped off vitamin b tablets for me. They are so hard to take, they are massive. I take occasionally to appease her.

I have bought sublingual liquid B vitamins in the past, easy, you just put a few drops under your tongue and they absorb straight into your bloodstream. B Complex helps keep you mentally sharp (and energetic) and is really good for your nervous system in general.
Must I take cold medicine to help keep colds at bay? Trust me, no one loves or enjoys having a cold, & I especially don't! It's one of the most miserable sicknesses that you've ever had to deal with!! I want to make them very nonexistant. I'll do whatever it takes to keep them away. :mad:
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Must I take cold medicine to help keep colds at bay? Trust me, no one loves oe enjoys having a cold, & I especially don't! It's one of the most miserable sicknesses that you've ever had to deal with!! I want to make them very nonexistant. I'll do whatever it takes to keep them away. :mad:
Research foods high in vitamin C (fruits and vegetables), and there are a lot of them! Also make sure you are getting enough sleep. And if you wear a mask in public that helps a lot, plus keep your hands clean. I sanitize after I touch doorknobs and other surfaces. Viruses can linger in mucous droplets from other people, so just make sure you aren't touching your face after you touch things when out and about.

I hate taking cold meds, ugh!
The jury is still out whether vitamins are beneficial or potentially harmful and how much we actually need of each. Most are from India and China and they're not regulated by the FDA and you really have no idea what's actually in them, mostly crap fillers. Personally a total waste of time. And before taking any you should talk to your PCP just to be on the safe side.
I have begun a vitamin regimen after having suffered from a bad cold inside of about 2-1/2 months! I haven't had that happen to me that I can ever remember! So in order to eliminate that from ever happening again, I've begun to emark on a vitamin regimen to ward off any chances of a bad cold striking a 3rd time. Yesterday, I've added to the morning medicine does Vitamins C, E, & d, which I was already taking. I had also wanted Zinc, but forgot to get it. I'm trying to stay away from getting another bad cold. They are so terrible to have & they make you so miserable!! Also, I think eating right might have something to do with it. I've been skipping breakfast for so long! it's supposed to be the most important meal of the day!! I'm supposed to eat in small amounts to keep the weight down. I'll see what happens in about a months time. :whistling:
If by catching a few colds you believe you need some vitamins I would suggest that you seek out a Clinic that specializes in this type of health care and have lab work done with your urine and blood and discuss your diet in an objective format which allows you to base your diet and to see if there's anything that you might be lacking and zero in on your needs. The multiple small meals and eating breakfast is not backed up by science and is more marketing than anything else, so don't get hung up on that imo.
If by catching a few colds you believe you need some vitamins I would suggest that you seek out a Clinic that specializes in this type of health care and have lab work done with your urine and blood and discuss your diet in an objective format which allows you to base your diet and to see if there's anything that you might be lacking and zero in on your needs. The multiple small meals and eating breakfast is not backed up by science and is more marketing than anything else, so don't get hung up on that imo.
It might boil down to convenience and finances, some or most of those clinics in the US might not be covered by insurance, whereas taking some vitamin C and other nutritional supplments would likely be a lot less expensive. At my regular GP I was able to ask for bloodwork for some vitamin/mineral levels and that was covered by my insurance, and I was also able to get vitamins/minerals prescribed that are covered by my insurance, particularly vitamin D3 and Calcium.
It might boil down to convenience and finances, some or most of those clinics in the US might not be covered by insurance, whereas taking some vitamin C and other nutritional supplments would likely be a lot less expensive. At my regular GP I was able to ask for bloodwork for some vitamin/mineral levels and that was covered by my insurance, and I was also able to get vitamins/minerals prescribed that are covered by my insurance, particularly vitamin D3 and Calcium.
Very true JAS. If people cut back on sugars then vit C almost becomes a moot point simply because they compete for the same pathway for absorption and the vast majority of people have sugar going through their veins all day long in one form or another and the only time Vit C gets a break is when we're sleeping. Vit D3 from natural sources like fish, eggs, cod liver oil or any vitamin for that matter is ideal and can't be overconsumed like a supplement could. I suspect your connection with calcium and Vit D is its synergistic effects and that's an important point that most miss. One of the best "supplements" for calcium are egg shells. Take the shells and sterilize them in boiling water, dry them out then grind them into powder. This is the highest bioavailability of any supplemental calcium source for humans. Cheers.
I have bought sublingual liquid B vitamins in the past, easy, you just put a few drops under your tongue and they absorb straight into your bloodstream. B Complex helps keep you mentally sharp (and energetic) and is really good for your nervous system in general.

My body had virtually no b12. I had 3 injections of it.
I'm now back to abnormal!

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