just got home from the hospital


Active Member
28 Jan 2023
Local time
10:53 AM
my back got so bad last tuesday that the wife had to call the EMTs to take me to the hospital and i just got back home today
they didn't do much other than keep me drugged up on pain killers, they had to put me out like when they operate on you just to be able to lay me in the MRI machine , the MRI showed nothing so at this point i think they are just guessing about what is wrong
i am still in the same pain as i had when i went in the hospital
Sorry to read about that - no clue as to muscular or bone-related? I get that way sometimes, but it’s muscles for me and it works itself out after a certain amount of time.
about all i found out is a nerve comes off of L3 and goes to the front of my left thigh
there appears that there is no damage to the nerve, i have no idea whats causeing all the pain
right now i have trouble walking because my left leg goes out on me with no warning
after the holidays i am going to talk to a nerologist and see what they can do . i just know I can't live on the heavy drugs ,
thanks guys for your kind replys
You may want to look into what could be causing the inflammation in that area..many things like repetitive strain, maybe the way you sit every day or night, or diet could cause inflammation.....you never know..
about all i found out is a nerve comes off of L3 and goes to the front of my left thigh
there appears that there is no damage to the nerve, i have no idea whats causeing all the pain
right now i have trouble walking because my left leg goes out on me with no warning
after the holidays i am going to talk to a nerologist and see what they can do . i just know I can't live on the heavy drugs ,
thanks guys for your kind replys

My back problem in in L4 and L5. It goes psycho at random, about once a year. But, it gradually goes away over about three days. Just like yours, no warning. Very rarely the pain goes through my right hip and down the back of my right leg. That's my sciatic nerve.

I have to be careful how I sleep. I can't sleep on my back, or I'm tempting pain. I sleep on my side with a pillow between my bent knees, and that has worked out better than any sleeping position. It may be different fro you, so experiment.

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