Recipe Kabsa, Saudi-Arabian chicken fried rice


Kitchen Witch
29 Jul 2019
Local time
6:52 AM
The Netherlands
I wanted to try this for a while, and the rice challenge seemed the perfect moment to do it. This gives a completely new angle to what fried rice can taste like!
We loved it and will make more of it. It's sweet, hot and rich. A real party dish!

Serves 3 big platefuls.
- 200 g chicken breast or thigh fillet, diced in small cubes
- 200 g cooked long grain rice
- 100 g pre soaked or tinned lentils
- 2 medium onions , peeled and halved and sliced thinly
- 7 thinly sliced medjool dates
- 1 70 gram tin of tomato puree
- 2 garlic cloves , minced
- 1 tbsp grated ginger
- 3 tbsp goose fat ( or olive oil)
- 1 tsp pul biber ( dried chilli flakes)
- 25 g of pinenuts
- Handful of flaked almonds
- 2 tbsps Baharat ( spice mix of fennel, ginger, paprika, cinnamon, turmeric, black peppers and aniseed)
- Salt to taste
Optional 1 spoonful of honey if you have a sweet tooth

1) Heat your wok on low to soften the onions in 1 spoonful of goose fat and some salt.
2) When golden, heat your wok to medium and add the lentils and the chicken.
3) When chicken is slightly browned, add dates and garlic and a splash of water. Stir until water has evaporated.
4 ) Add spices, honey, and tomato puree. Stir through for a minute or two. Turn heat to low again.
5) Add the rest of the goosefat, and start mixing in rice by the handful. Make sure nothing burns.
6) Mix in the pine nuts and let it all get golden brown.
7) Serve when ready with some almond flakes on top.
Wow! I had never thought of using these ingredients before. Very interesting!
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