Lazy ‘Cooking’

24 Mar 2023
Local time
1:59 AM
Somerset & Costa Tropical Spain
You know the sort of thing. You want something nice to eat but have run out of steam.
Not to the extent you’d order takeaway but it’s close.

Expended all my cooking energies at lunch time on making garlic bread and Kha Gai soup. I’ve nothing left in the tank.

The idea of a ready meal makes your stomach turn so you go for your easy assembly quick fix hit.

Post it here, might be steak baguette, sausage and mash, jacket potato. You wouldn’t declare you ‘cooked‘ it but at the same time you did manage to get the ingredients on a plate 😆

These assemblies are always handy to have in the bank for those tired days.
So here’s this evenings quick fix. The mini spring rolls are M&S gluten free range, bit of sweet chilli sauce and shredded chinese leaf in dill sauce. The chinese leaf and mustardy dill sauce cuts through the spring roll wrappers nicely.

I don’t know, because I would resort to takeaway! :laugh:

I’m in need of something for tonight, though, as I’ve been cooking off and on all day and I really don’t want to make anything for supper.
I’ll happily resort to takeaway sometimes but a lot of the time I know it won’t hit the spot.

Sounds like your Easter preps going to plan!
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Right now, I’m about to pull my fu… 🤬…ing hair out.

For probably the third time this year, I told MrsT that I want one night off. One night where, I don’t care how it’s handled, but I don’t want to even think about supper. Cook it, order it, make bologna and cheese on saltines, I don’t care, but 🤬 handle it. One night. Not a lot to ask.

For the last 90 minutes, all I’ve heard is, “What about this place? What about that place? What about this other place? What about…what about…WHAT ABOUT…!!!”

Handle it means handle it! Handle. It! Don’t ask me. Don’t ask me about the menu, don’t ask me what this barbecue versus that barbecue means. Go out and get it. I’ll eat it. Pour me a bowl of cereal. I’ll eat it. Go get Mc- 🤬 -Donald’s. I’LL EAT IT!

Just quit asking me a thousand-and-one questions about where to go or what to get! Handle it!

I did have to laugh at one thing. After much mental anguish and a good hour of back-and-forth, she finally decided on ribs from a barbecue place in town, a place we haven’t eaten at in 15 years.

She called to order…”Hi! This is Beau’s Barbecue! We’ll be closed Saturday and Sunday for Easter! Have a blessed day!”

I don't know whether to laugh or say sorry. I know how you feel though.
All-in-all, I’m probably easier-going than I came across, so feel free to laugh.

Remember the old TV show Carter Country, and the do-nothing mayor who was always saying, “Handle it! Handle it!” - that’s who I am right now. :laugh:
I prescribe getting them to cook once a week! Worked on the less competent (or willing) members of my clan.
She’s 60 in a couple of months and would need a map to find the kitchen. If she hasn’t started by now…it ain’t happening.

No 💩, I asked her to hard-boil eggs last week…she wildly overcooked them because she couldn’t figure out the timer on the cooker we’ve had for close to 10 years. That timer…press Timer, use the arrows to enter the time, press Start…and it even tells you each step on the readout. 🤷🏻
She’s 60 in a couple of months and would need a map to find the kitchen. If she hasn’t started by now…it ain’t happening.

No 💩, I asked her to hard-boil eggs last week…she wildly overcooked them because she couldn’t figure out the timer on the cooker we’ve had for close to 10 years. That timer…press Timer, use the arrows to enter the time, press Start…and it even tells you each step on the readout. 🤷🏻
That would wind me me up just a little bit.
Then again I’m always amazed how when Mr SSOAP takes the reins how undercooked it usually is and how often is has to go back in the oven!

Checking how cooked something is B4 you serve isn’t a message I can get across no matter how many times the food has to go back in! 😆
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