Recipe Lemon Curd


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
3:47 AM
SE Australia
For the current recipe challenge I thought I would get a head start and submit a traditional lemon recipe... This one is my Grannie's recipe and I will write up the recipe as well as put up her handwritten copy of it. I expect there are many identical versions online, but I have always known this one as my grandparents' version.

I may make it later in the week if I think it will work with any of the margarine I can obtain in Australia - that is questionable.

It is a recipe I used to make up a lot when I could have dairy. I always did a double recipe as well because it rarely lasted long. Nowadays, I think I would reduce the volume of sugar a touch tbh... maybe dropping to 10oz of golden caster sugar.

You will need 2 or 3 clean sterile glass jars and lids.

Ingredients (makes 1 1/2lbs)
4 unwaxed lemons (rind & juice)
4 eggs
4oz butter (or margarine)
12oz caster sugar

  • Wash and dry the lemons, then grate the rind and juice the lemons, passing the lemon juice through a seive.
  • Beat the eggs together lightly.
  • In a saucepan, beat together the caster sugar, butter (or marg), lemon rind and eggs together.
    Stir with a wooden spoon over the lowest heat possible until the butter has melted.
  • Then stir in the strained lemon juice
  • Now gently bring to the boil, stirring continually and cook for 3 minutes until the curd is thick and smooth.
  • Pour into sterile clean glass jars and seal.

Grannie's Lemon Curd_600.jpg
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Your Grannie would have been a brilliant forger, handwriting almost identical to my own!

How long will it hold/stay fresh for?
How long will it hold/stay fresh for?
It never lasted very long in our household or her's so its hard to say, but I can't see why it wouldn't stay fresh for several months if the jar is sealed and kept in the fridge (which is where we always kept it). We always topped it off with a wax circle before sealing the jar. Sterile jars and lids are very important though. If it isn't sterile, its not going to keep well.
For the current recipe challenge I thought I would get a head start and submit a traditional lemon recipe... This one is my Grannie's recipe and I will write up the recipe as well as put up her handwritten copy of it. I expect there are many identical versions online, but I have always known this one as my grandparents' version.

I may make it later in the week if I think it will work with any of the margarine I can obtain in Australia - that is questionable.

It is a recipe I used to make up a lot when I could have dairy. I always did a double recipe as well because it rarely lasted long. Nowadays, I think I would reduce the volume of sugar a touch tbh... maybe dropping to 10oz of golden caster sugar.

You will need 2 or 3 clean sterile glass jars and lids.

Ingredients (makes 1 1/2lbs)
4 unwaxed lemons (rind & juice)
4 eggs
4oz butter (or margarine)
12oz caster sugar

  • Wash and dry the lemons, then grate the rind and juice the lemons, passing the lemon juice through a seive.
  • Beat the eggs together lightly.
  • In a saucepan, beat together the caster sugar, butter (or marg), lemon rind and eggs together.
    Stir with a wooden spoon over the lowest heat possible until the butter has melted.
  • Then stir in the strained lemon juice
  • Now gently bring to the boil, stirring continually and cook for 3 minutes until the curd is thick and smooth.
  • Pour into sterile clean glass jars and seal.

View attachment 7326

My nanas writing also, not mums, she was a leftie, so it's on a 45 deg angle,lol

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