Linking to a specific reply/post without quoting


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
11:38 AM
SE Australia
Sometimes you might want to reference a specific reply or post in another thread rather than the entire thread, but how?

Well it's actually very easy and all you need do is
  1. click on the share icon in the top right hand side of the post you want to reference
  2. click on the copy button/icon in the popup window that opens (these are 2 options that may occur).
(Opera Web browser or Safari browser)

(Chrome Web browser)

A copy of the link you need has now be copied into the clipboard (memory) of your device and will be available for you to paste into a link as needed.

It will look something like this
This differs from a link to a thread by specifying not only the thread but the post number (278537) as well.

You could see a slightly different option after you click on the share icon on a mobile platform such as a phone. And the options presented will depend upon the type of device you are using (Andriod, Apple, Microsoft etc) and with Android in particular it can vary with the device manufacture as well.

On my Samsung (S8+) Android 9 phone, after clicking on the share icon, I will then be asked "Complete Action Using" and I'll get a whole screen full of options including a few 'guesses'.

I've hidden the guesses because they are personal contacts but this is what I see...

That's only some of the list...
I'm after the Copy to Clipboard option.

Once you have the address to the post in question, you'll need link to it in the normal manner and that is pretty much however you want to,General Chat Post #15,191. But if you rely on the system doing the replace link the page title then it will not be very clear to people that you are taking them to a specific post within the thread, so using the normal method might not be the best option in this instance: The General Chat Thread and General Chat Post #15,191 lead to the same place but I have left the system to create a link title for me in the first example and I've made the link myself in the second.
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As with all things, there is more than one way of getting that link to copy.

Another option is to click on the number to the right of the share button and wait a moment.

Once the page has refreshed Itself and moved up or down, you'll find that the address in the address bar at the top of the page has changed very slightly.


Now, with my 2 mobile devices when I click on the address in the address bar, I get the option to copy link and if I click on that the link is copied to the clipboard for later use.

(Opera Web browser)

(Chrome Web browser)
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On my iPhone (in Safari), clicking the share icon presents this:



Just above that line in the top photo is a scrolling ribbon of my most recently texted contacts, so I can easily paste the URL in a text, but I didn't include that in my screen shot.
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