
Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
9:28 AM
SE Australia
I have a cookery book called "Mango Soup" by Jenni Malsingh. And in that book there is a recipe for mango soup. She took two Indian dishes and combined them. She took the Gujarati idea of adding mango pulp to karli (which is a gram flour and yoghurt soup) and the Keralan idea of coconut & mango curry. She suggests either only using mangos when they are in season or to buy tinned mango pulp that is sweetened. But my 'local' supermarket sells frozen mango pieces and I had a bag in the freezer so decided to make up a half quantity of the soup instead. It goes without saying that the soup is both spicy and sweet so I have refrained from adding any further sweetness to the dish.

Ingredients (serves 3-4)
450g frozen mango pieces (defrosted)
¼-½ tsp chilli powder, to taste
¼-½ tsp tumeric
50g fresh coconut
1-2 green chillies
¾ tsp cumin seeds
125-150g soya yoghurt (plain, unsweetened)
15g gram flour
250mI cold water

Ingredients (for the tarka)
½ tsp cumin seeds
½ tsp black mustard seeds
¼ tsp fenugreek seeds
2-3 dried red chillies
pinch of asafoetida
small handful of fresh curry leaves
½ tbsp olive oil

Method (for a Vitamix blender)
1. Add the mango pieces, the turmeric and the chilli powder to the Vitamix bowl and blend on low for a few moments until fully pureed.
2. Cut the coconut into smaller pieces (roughly 2cm x 2cm), deseed the chillies if you don't want the mango soup to be too spicy hot and add both to the mango pulp along with the cumin seeds. Now blend until totally smooth. It won't take long.
3. Add the soya yoghurt, the gram flour and the water to the blender bowl and if you have a soup button, press that button and let it do its job. You'll want to make sure that the soup gets really hot and steaming, so you may need to run it on high for a couple of minutes longer to ensure it gets hot enough to cook the gram flour. If you are in doubt, just transfer the mixture to a saucepan as below. If you don't have a soup mode, blend until everything is well mixed and then transfer to a saucepan to cook the gram flour once it has been combined with everything else and is nice and smooth. You'll know that it is cooking because it will thicken, so ensure that you stir continually until it has done so. Now remove the pan from the heat and check the spiciness of the soup. If it is too spicy, take this opportunity to whisk in a touch more soya yoghurt.

Method (otherwise)
1. Blend the mango pieces in either a food processer or liquidiser to a puree, then stir in the chilli powder and the tumeric. Transfer to a saucepan and over a medium heat, bring to a simmer.
2. Either by using a spice grinder or pestal & mortar, combine the coconut (best grated finely first for ease), green chillies (chopped finely & deseeded if you don't want a very spicy hot dish) and the cumin seeds along with a little of the water and blended/pounded until you have a smooth paste.
3. Once the mango puree has simmered fora few minutes, add the coconut & chilli paste and stir in well.
4. Mix the gram four with the soya yoghurt to form a smooth batter, then carefully add the remaining water.
5. Stir the soya yoghurt batter into the spicy mango puree and return to the simmer stirring constantly until the soup thickens. Continue to stir for a couple of minutes longer after the soup has thickened. Remove from the heat.

Method (for the tarka)
1. In a small saucepan, heat the oil until very hot, then add all the spices except for the fresh curry leaves. Once the seeds start to pop, add the fresh curry leaves stir a couple of times, count to 10 and remove from the heat. Now add to the soup and stir in, cover with a lid and allow to cool and stand for at least an hour for the flavours to develop.
2. Reheat to serve over rice noodles.

I'm not actually serving this tonight, plans changed but given that the mango pieces had defrosted by the time our plans changed, I made the soup anyway.

So I have taken a few photos of it in the saucepan ready to reheat and serve over rice noodles.

It is actually really nice; not too sweet because I haven't use a sweetened mango puree as recommended by the author, possibly a little too spicy without being served over noodles but that is easily dealt with by serving it with some more soya yoghurt. I did put all I green chilli in (seeds and fleshy bits included) plus all of the green of a second green chilli. I should have remembered that these green chillies are rather hotter than normal.

Again I'll write a little more about it (did the coconut taste came through, or the cumin? did it need a little lime juice to tarte it up a touch?) once we have actually eaten It over either the weekend or the start of next week. And once again, it is an entry for the 9th round of the cookery book challenge.
She took the Gujarati idea of adding mango pulp to karli (which is a gram flour and yoghurt soup)

I love everything about this recipe except for the mango! Somehow, I can't get my head round a sweet mango soup. At least I presume it tastes sweet? I do know that green unripe mango is used in Indian curries and chutneys in which case it adds a souring effect.

Curious about the Karli mentioned above (as I'd not heard that term in relation to soup) I googled it. Karli is the Hindi word for Karela which is a bitter gourd (delicious!). So is the dish the author is referring to a bitter gourd soup?
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