
16 Jun 2018
Local time
9:49 PM
I've always been hesitant about MSG because of the "stigma" surrounding it, but doing some research on it, I found out that most of the bad stuff is either not true or unsubstantiated. Plus it's natural occurring in a lot of foods. I think a lot of people have a bad experience with it because Chinese restaurants use the poor quality version to save money and they use WAY too much. However, I got some high quality MSG and was tinkering around with it. I made a dipping sauce for chicken nuggz and the sauce was good, then I added a tiny pinch of MSG and it was surprisingly different. Tasting the sauce after adding the MSG made my mouth literally water and it was delicious. I can only imagine what I can achieve with this applying it to my regular cooking. I hear that it works wonders on homemade pickles.
I really dislike it. I know immediately when something has MSG added because it has that (to me) really strong 'mouth watering' effect which eclipses the subtlety of other flavours. I'm not saying its an 'unhealthy' ingredient. But I think its an easy option - add a bit of MSG and everyone will like it (except me!).

I know Frizz1974 has some strong positive views about MSG.
Unless you are me. MSG is lower in sodium than salt, but it is still sodium. Most processed foods are too high in sodium, thanks to both salt and MSG. Chefs tend to load up foods with sodium, too.

yeah, that's true, processed food has an overabundance of sodium for taste and also for food preservation. Double-edged sword for the sodium-sensitive among us.
I´ve never had a problem with it. I rarely cook Chinese food, but when I do, I add a pinch of MSG and it does seem to enhance the flavours.
My perception; nothing scientific.
MSG is to the savory taste what sugar is to sweet, with many of the same benefits and drawbacks. Just like sugar is directly sweet and pretty much nothing else, MSG is directly savory and pretty much nothing else, whereas ingredients naturally high in the stuff bring lots of other flavors to the party. I have MSG in my cupboard but its not something I use daily.
Unless you are me. MSG is lower in sodium than salt, but it is still sodium. Most processed foods are too high in sodium, thanks to both salt and MSG. Chefs tend to load up foods with sodium, too.

Anytime a substance is deemed ok to eat it doesn't apply to people with medical conditions related to that substance. Hopefully someone that has a medical condition doesn't consume foods that are notoriously high in the substance they're trying to avoid. Cheers.
It’s always been a bit of a belief for me that if you learn to cook well then you really don’t need much salt let alone MSG. Of course recipes vary and salt does bring out the flavor in food. But my god, at least here in the states when you read the nutritional content on a package and see how much salt they add to things sometimes, well it’s just staggering. Mostly on items that don’t require refrigeration as you’d imagine.

MSG I never cooked with up until about 2-3mon ago. I tend to only use it when I’m cooking certain Chinese dishes so a single bottle is going to last me quite a long time I’m sure. I haven’t had any issues with it and I’m sure I’ve probably consumed my fair share over my lifetime when eating out.
Does this give you guys heart palpitations?

😂 😂 😂
For the love of God lol. This better be something sitting in a brine solution:wink:

I'm thinking that is a typo.

MSG is no worse for you than salt. I am on a low sodium diet due to liver and kidney issues, so I'm pretty careful, and read labels. Like you said, most prepared foods, as well as most restaurant foods have way more salt in them than necessary.

Even with my restrictions, I use salt when I cook, but in reasonable amounts. It is amazing what has happened to my taste buds since I went low sodium. Now, I go to a restaurant, and foods taste overly salty, when the same foods tasted normal to me in the past.

I'm thinking that is a typo.

MSG is no worse for you than salt. I am on a low sodium diet due to liver and kidney issues, so I'm pretty careful, and read labels. Like you said, most prepared foods, as well as most restaurant foods have way more salt in them than necessary.

Even with my restrictions, I use salt when I cook, but in reasonable amounts. It is amazing what has happened to my taste buds since I went low sodium. Now, I go to a restaurant, and foods taste overly salty, when the same foods tasted normal to me in the past.

I would certainly hope so ha ha.

Sorry about your restrictions but I’m glad to hear you have way a nice way to balance your enjoyment. I was the same way when I stopped drinking soda’s. When I went back to have one after cutting them out for 2yrs, what a tastebud shock that was. I could taste the grittiness of the sugar and almost went crosseyed because of how sweet it was. I’ve never looked back.
That might not be a typo. That looks like sodium citrate, and it looks like it’s per 100g, so that would indeed contain a lot of sodium.
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