Recipe My aunt's waffles


Forum GOD!
3 Dec 2017
Local time
3:29 AM
SE Florida
Aunt Pat's Waffles

She only made these on special occasions, like Christmas or your birthday or if you were visiting from far away.

2 whole large eggs
2 cups milk
real vanilla extract, she didn't measure but did a quick pour, probably between 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp
3 cups AP flour
1 tsp salt
3-4 Tbsp sugar
4 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup melted butter, cooled (you can use cooking oil, but why)

Separate eggs. Beat the whites until stiff. Set aside.

In a large bowl, beat the yolks, add milk and vanilla. Mix the dry ingredients and add to the milk. Stir in the butter. Gently fold in the egg whites.

Cook on a waffle iron per directions of your machine. I prefer the deeper grids, but the thinner grids work well too.

You can cover and keep batter in fridge for up to 5 days, may develop a bluish tinge, but it's okay. Or, you can cook it all up, just undercooking the waffles slightly, freeze in a single layer, then you can bag and store. Reheat later at 375 for a few minutes on 1 side, flip and let bake until warm on both sides.

She always served with more melted butter and warmed syrup.
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Sounds like a good recipe. Do I need to buy a waffle maker now? I do have a silicon waffle mould which goes in the oven but am yet to try it out. I'm a waffle newbie!
@medtran49, I'm going to have a go at making Swedish Rosettes (waffles) in the next few days. Its a similar mixture but different proportions of ingredients.

These are deep fried on the end of a waffle iron. we will see!
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We call those rosette cookies or cookie irons over here. Waffles here are made generally with electric appliances that have square or round cooking areas that have grids with squarish indentations to hold butter and syrup after the waffle has cooked. I have one similar to below. I've used the plain flat ones that you fill and close the top, but prefer the flip one, and I like the deeper hole ones, but those are my personal preferences. I've seen waffle molds made of just metal that either go in the oven or on the stovetop (not sure, never used). Somehow, I don't think a silicone waffle mold will give the crispy finish on the outside of the waffle like a metal one will.

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I was reading this thread and decided to post Recipe - My waffles (back several ) favorite.... I make a fresh blueberry mix not skimping on the butter, and use that in my waffle iron.... oh my goodness its the best and no added syrup needed unless.... you happen to like super sweet. If one wants to use syrup.... get this folks since I live in the middle of nowhere, I tap trees for the syrup making qualities, there are more than maple trees to tap.
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We make waffles about once per week. We use a Belgian waffle maker and serve with butter and maple syrup. Sometimes we mix some cinnamon and confectioner's sugar and skip the vanilla. We've done Belgian waffles too. Pretty much the same but leavened with yeast. Fussy so we don't do them often.
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