Recipe My Chinese Stir Fry Sauce


Senior Member
29 May 2023
Local time
11:03 PM
Indiana, USA
I had other plans for dinner this evening. My wife was looking through the fridge and removed a bag of snow peas. She asked me what they were. I said they were snow peas usually used in Chinese stir fries. She asked if we were having a Chinese stir fry for dinner. I said sure I'll do that. And I started looking through the pantry and fridge for things to put in a stir fry. The easy part was the sauce which I've made countless times. It is a pretty good sauce so I'm sharing it here.




1 tbsp corn starch
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tsp hoisin sauce
1 tsp rice vinegar
1 tsp dried ginger
a few drops of sesame oil
1/2 cup water

Making a Chinese Stir Fry

Start with the sauce. Combine all the ingredients in a glass or bowl. Next start the rice. Normally I use short grain oriental rice but I didn't have enough on hand for the purpose so the image shows long grain rice. While the rice cooks put some cooking oil in your wok and heat it. Stir fry your meat. i used a chicken breast cut into strips. When it is almost done, remove it from the wok and set aside. Put the veggies in the wok and stir fry them for 2 or 3 minutes. In the image you can see onion, red bell pepper, baby corn sliced, the aforementioned snow peas and strips of Boston lettuce leaves (you could call it Massachusetts bok choy if you like :laugh:.) Add the meat back to wok and stir fry for another minute. Add the sauce and stir fry until it has coated everything and thickened. Serve the stir fry on rice.

Naturally you should use the veggies and meat you prefer or, like me, use what you have on hand. I use pork tenderloin a lot but the chicken was defrosted. The sauce should get the job done regardless of your choices.
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