Needing food ideas


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
11:37 AM
SE Australia
The title really says it.

I am currently bed bound, to the point where I can't even sit up long enough to eat 1/2 a piece of bread. So I am needing some food ideas and desperately... I have barely eaten in the last 3 days. I need to be able to eat with my hands, cutlery is not an option. I can't lie on my side, only on my back and can't manage being propped up either...

so I am after ideas that are something other than snacks that I can eat and try to not too loose too much weight whilst I am bed bound - and this is not looking like it is going to be a short stay. I have seen little improvement in my condition in the last 3 days sadly...

The 'guideline' however are restrictive and need to take into account that I am allergic to all dairy products (to the point where even my medication can not contain dairy (which is often used as a tablet filler)) and I'm vegetarian.

Currently all I have managed are a few Texas BBQ flavoured Pringles (which are vegan) but I have to be careful with how many I eat because of their salt content, a couple of slices of bread with dairy free marg and homemade jam and a mug or two of hot almond milk, plus a date or two...

anyone any ideas -liquid is a bit of a challenge at that moment, if I am honest but I know I have to keep that up - water I am managing from a sports top bottle...
Do you eat quorn slices? I eat those when I need protein and don't have time for a meal. You could wrap it in a tortilla wrap and eat it. They do turkey, ham and chicken ones, but I like the turkey the best. I'm not a fan, but you can eat them from packet at least!

I know you say liquid are hard, but good old cup of soup or even soup in a cup is good if you can.
I can't have most cup a soups because they contain dairy products in them sadly! But liquid is really hard lying on your back. So far water had been managed via a sports water bottle.

I don't like Quorn but it has occurred to me that there are marinated tofu options not to mention the solid block flavoured tofu which could be cut into slices which might work as finger food

My husband had his first attempt at vegan choc chip scones today (I don't know why he omitted the egg but he did) they didn't rise too well and we're a little, well not as short as they should have been but were surprisingly good for a first attempt!
Sorry to hear about your situation, I hope you feel better soon. I'm assuming you have someone to prepare your food for you and if so I'd recommend just using a pita wrap to make burritos with whatever ingredient you want in it. This way, you'd be able to use your hands to eat while still being able to enjoy ingredients you'd normally use cutlery for like rice or corn, and also you'd get to control your ingredients. If you are not able to sit up to eat it then maybe just make smaller portions of it for easier intake. Get well soon!
I am so sorry to hear you are ill. I was going to suggest tortilla wraps as you can eat them with your fingers, but I think you would end up with half the filling in your hair! I think something smaller that can be eaten in just a few bites would be better. Simple things like fruit an veg sticks might be easier. Bananas are easy to eat lying down- I ate them when I had a bad back and pelvis. Toast might not be too problematic either.This way you will cut down on salt and keep up with some nutrients.
Last night ended up with a few chips (UK version) that is chunky chips dipped in mayo with some small pieces of broccoli and some chopped up runner beans. No it was more of a pick at them slowly. Just managed to eat the chips before they went cold but the rest of the veg was cold! So far I have lost over 2kg since Wednesday, so if anyone needs any diet tips let me know :D :laugh:
As you have a husband to 'feed' you that can help... Another idea is oatcakes as in the Staffordshire ones with marmite (if you like it) as I used to have a warmed up oatcake with marmite as a snack which you can eat with your hands. There are some bite size rice cakes too in marmite or dip them in hummus. Marks & Spencers do some deli veggie bites like falafel too. They aren't cheap, but are convenient and tasty.

I hope you can sit up soon and can get better so you can eat what you like!
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