New food app. Test it!


Regular Member
18 Sep 2021
Local time
8:18 PM
Hi everybody,

We are testing a new food app design! The app is all about uncooked organic food delivered to home for the buyer to cook it following one of our receipes step by step. We hope you like it.

Would you like to help us with a usability test? It’ll take you less than 3 minutes. Just click the link below and follow the steps.

Maze | User Research & Testing Platform

Thank you for your help!
I've tried your link and tbh you still need to do a lot of work.
Setting the delivery time slot was off the bottom of the screen, the purple bar pretty much refuses to come back up on my phone and Thai green soup doesn't show in all recipes filter, only under thai cuisine whose font is different to the others. I managed to add 1 of 4 servings but couldn't get any further. There didn't appear to be any way to add it to any kind of shopping list. Perhaps it's on that purple bar that disappeared and refused to come back?

I'm an IT consultant, ran a large network, 1st, 2nd & 3rd line support. You get the idea. I didn't find this intuitive and couldn't actually get any further than clicking on + to add 1 of Thai green soup and that's after hunting for it. I couldn't get any further. Perhaps others will be able to but I expect it to work on all platforms. My phone is Android and I use Opera (all fully patched and latest versions).

Finally please check your spelling Thai & Thain are not the same and Thain Green soup is not something I've heard of...



The purple bar should be shown automatically when there is a blank area above it. I shouldn't have to fight to get it available to click on.


All recipes, and no Thai green soup.



Now what? The bar won't come back up, so i can't do anything else. I'm stuck without having ordered anything. Plus it looks like your spacing between words is incorrect. "Rustle up" appears to have more than 1 space.

Perhaps others will get further than I did now they know where to find the 1st item?
I have to be honest, I didn't even look at the app. I see this forum as a community. We give, and we take. Posting your app here seems like all "take," and no give. You probably made the same post on every food forum on the internet. If we help you with your app, what are you going to do for this forum? Will you at least post a link to the forum on your website, and help our community grow?

Post some recipes. Participate in some conversations, send some foodies our way. Then... ask me to help you make money off an app. I am always happy to help my friends. Until then, good luck with your business venture.

I know my previous post sounds harsh, but look at members like murphyscreek. He promotes his YouTube videos on the forum, but he gives to the forum much more than he takes. He's family. He's one of us.

I just have a hard time with people who join, and their first post is promoting their product.

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Is this even an app? It seems more like a mockup, something you'd show to stakeholders before actually starting to build something just to see if its going in the right direction. Not something you can just throw upon the general public and expect useful feedback.

And if you want feedback, I honestly should have given up at the first spelling mistake. Quality is fractal, if you don't care enough to do something as simple as spell checking, how am I supposed to believe you gave any thought to the DIFFICULT parts of app design?
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