non-baking recipes. do you measure ingredients?


12 Apr 2022
Local time
7:44 PM
short of baking, I dont. I just kinda dump and go.

I find unless you really ventured off the original recipe, the final product isn't affected that much. I'm about to try to make my own HongKong style XO sauce and I might measure what I use, and take notes just incase I nail it on the first time and want to recreate it in the future..but

I dont measure. there, I said it. :D
I've got into the habit of jotting down measurements (or sometimes snapping photos on my phone to show them) due to being on CookingBites and wanting to post recipes. In the past a didn't really do that - but its useful to note things down really, because if you make something good you can refer back to it.
I started a food company (basically conserves) and, right from the start, made detailed notes of ingredients, reactions, flavour profiles, exact amounts, etc. The reason was that, once I´d made the recipe EXACTLY as I wanted it to taste, I didn´t want that recipe to change onle little bit.
I got into the habit of doing so with all recipes, especially when I got into giving classes and doing courses. The final result WILL be different if you wing it. For example, if I add 1/2 a habanero to a dish, it will be spicy. If I add a whole habanero, only I will be able to eat it. If you make a bechamel and just chuck stuff in the pan, you may end up with a very thick bechamel, and you may end up with a thin one.
I'm in the middle. I take notes and do rough measurements, but not like I would for baking. If I am cooking from someone else's recipe, I will often taste and adjust to my personal preferences. I would not be one bit offended if other people did the same with my recipes.

That's why I love to cook, but don't do a lot of baking.

Depends, really. I’m fine with eyeballing teaspoons and tablespoons, and I trust myself up to about a 1/2 cup of something. After that, I’m more likely to measure.
Depends, really. I’m fine with eyeballing teaspoons and tablespoons, and I trust myself up to about a 1/2 cup of something. After that, I’m more likely to measure.

Wow, you caught me by surprise.

Wait a minute, who are you, and what have you done with TastyReuben?

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