Nut butter


Forum GOD!
Recipe Challenge Judge
12 May 2020
Local time
8:18 PM
[Mod.edit: This post and following few moved to form a new topic (MG)]

This is a very good definition. Thanks!
I am thinking whether my kid would like it.
I guess we shall try and see at some point.
Oh yes, the temptation. I totally understand. This is peanut butter for me these weeks. I see it and I go,hm, a teaspoon would be so goood😂. I try to limit myself though, to two tablespoons per day.
You can make your own peanut butter and therefore control what goes in it. I know over here there are often added sugars and salt in some commercial peanut butters. You could also use less oil and control the type of oil used.
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You can make your own peanut butter and therefore control what goes in it. I know over here there are often added sugars and salt in some commercial peanut butters. You could also use less oil and control the type of oil used.
I make my own peanut butter and don't add any oil but end up with a product that needs to be re-emulsified because of the oil separation each time I use it. I suggest if someone is making their own that no oil is used and the fact that most added oil are not going to be as nutritionally beneficial.
I make my own peanut butter and don't add any oil but end up with a product that needs to be re-emulsified because of the oil separation each time I use it. I suggest if someone is making their own that no oil is used and the fact that most added oil are not going to be as nutritionally beneficial.
I've been to health food stores where I have made my own peanut butter with no oil using their machines. I personally would probably use just a touch of EVOO and make each batch as I want to use it since I don't eat it often, mostly because my food processor isn't that strong and I like my peanut butter creamy with no chunks or bits in it. My favorite nut butter is cashew butter.

If we keep this up, we will be moved to a new thread on nut butters, hmm Morning Glory?
I've been to health food stores where I have made my own peanut butter with no oil using their machines. I personally would probably use just a touch of EVOO and make each batch as I want to use it since I don't eat it often, mostly because my food processor isn't that strong and I like my peanut butter creamy with no chunks or bits in it. My favorite nut butter is cashew butter.

If we keep this up, we will be moved to a new thread on nut butters, hmm Morning Glory?
Ok, sounds reasonable but I just want to add that the oil in peanut butter is as healthy as extra virgin olive oil and because raw peanut oil has more polyunsaturated that it's actually more heart friendly, so it might be a moot point adding EVOO. The healthfulness of raw peanut oil does not transfer those attributes when refined. Keep in mind that because natural peanut butter has this healthful polyunsaturated content that it is unfortunately highly sensitive to free radicals from exposure to the elements so keep it in an opaque container and out of direct light and you'll be good.
I make my own peanut butter too. I lightly toast the peanuts in the oven first, then into the food processor with a bit of honey, oil and salt. I usually use a neutral oil, but I once found some "raw" peanut oil in a Chinese supermarket which was absolutely glorious, with an intense peanut flavour.
Ok, sounds reasonable but I just want to add that the oil in peanut butter is as healthy as extra virgin olive oil and because raw peanut oil has more polyunsaturated that it's actually more heart friendly, so it might be a moot point adding EVOO. The healthfulness of raw peanut oil does not transfer those attributes when refined. Keep in mind that because natural peanut butter has this healthful polyunsaturated content that it is unfortunately highly sensitive to free radicals from exposure to the elements so keep it in an opaque container and out of direct light and you'll be good.
In the US, I have seen unhealthy oils added to some commercial nut butters.
I buy 100% natural peanut butter, the only ingredient listed is peanuts. When I first get it home, I pour as much of the oil off as I can, not for health reasons, but just because it makes the peanut butter too pourable and loose. I like chalky, stiff peanut butter.
The food industry takes a perfectly good and whole product that needs no embellishment then gives it their slant on taste which is referred to the "bliss point" which is a formula that make it's very desirable and you want to continue, and they do the studies to find out the perfect combination of sugar, salt and fat for a particular product. With peanut butter most eating the natural kind find it very bland and sometimes salt is added. Most peanut butter have salt and sugar added as well as a stabilizing fat and traditionally that's been partially hydrogenated oil....trans fats basically. Now they use emulsifiers and a refined seed oil of some kind. Personally I find these peanuts butter really cloying and sweet, but I'm not their target audience and they know them well. Also these additives are different in different Countries because people from different Countries have different tastes so they formulate it to suit the demographics of Countries as well.
I buy 100% natural peanut butter, the only ingredient listed is peanuts. When I first get it home, I pour as much of the oil off as I can, not for Heath reasons, but just because it makes the peanut butter too pourable and loose. I like chalky, stiff peanut butter.
I just turn the jar upside down.
Ok, so let's list what is in the current peanut butter that kid and I love and eat:92% peanut,sugar,palm oil,salt.
This was a 2 usd pb, 350g jar. Plus the last week ones were on sale. Exp may 2022.
Nutrition data per 100g.
2520kJ,608 kcal
Fat 49 g
Of which saturated 9,0g
Carbs 16g
Sugar 8,3g
Protein 22g
Salt 0,82g.

This is not bad at all, right?

I have no comparison to other pbs, this is the only one we tried so far.

Once opened I keep it in the fridge.

This is the smooth version. Not runny at all, not even soft, holds form, when I spoon it.

Currently I do not have a blender. After the disasteous cheap blender story, I think I might save and aim for a good q one.

I will be open to finding a 100% pb and just other brands and kinds, just to discover...

I dont think pb is currently that popular here, but possibly growingly so.

I dont remember us being pb crazy previously, but the last several weeks, it just feels so good to have two tablespoons of it per day. Just as is, no bread no jelly no fruit, just pb.

I was wondering if it is the potassium, which p is rich in, or I donno, any other of the many beneficial elements.

Thank you everyone💙🤓
Oh, I tried almond butter, as I mentioned somewhere here on the forum, it was absolutely divine. But sugar was considerably higher,just because I did not read the label carefully.

Cashew butter is on my bucket list,loooove cashew. The ones I looked at this summer at the eco/bio bio shop were separated, kept out of the fridge, I did not like that,I was still amidst my stomach issues, so was thinking, hm, lets not eat that right now.

I will revisit, as I gather, not a reason to pass on ,if the exp date is ok.

Hazelnut butter would love to taste too.
Ingredients on my peanut butter (will provide pic later) : 100% peanuts, sea salt. Probably realistically has more salt than would be advisable for most people, as most pre packaged stuff has even if it's as pure as this.



$3US, the cheap stuff is half that.
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