Oatmeal, the breakfast of champions!


31 Mar 2014
Local time
2:41 AM
Do you like oatmeal? I know that I do! My favorite flavors are with apples and cinnamon, not much of a fan of maple walnut. I also add fruit, applesauce, and yogurt depending on my mood.
I must say that when my grandmother placed a bowl of piping hot goop in front of me at 6 years old, I never thought that I would be in so much love with it at the age of 28!! I add cinnamon, sugar, milk, and raisins. Sometimes it could be honey or granola. But I love a good bowl of oatmeal!!
I love oatmeal! I add strawberries, blueberries or peaches whenever I'm wanting something besides just plain oatmeal. I really like the oatmeal cups from McDonalds with apples and walnuts.
I love oatmeal for breakfast. It is much better cooked at home! Old fashioned, steel cut oatmeal with apples, raisins, walnuts and cinnamon make it a super healthy choice as well!
I had apple cinnamon oatmeal for brunch today and it was good! My favorite flavor is maple and brown sugar with lots of real butter. Sometimes, I make stovetop oatmeal and add spices and fruit like bananas and chopped apples.
I like oatmeal, although I've only had them sweet. I've heard that there are some savory oatmeal porridge varieties and I'm very curious about that.
Oatmeal is wonderful in that you can add so many things to it and it will still taste great. I try and do something different with it everyday which makes it more enjoyable to me.
Oatmeal is my primary breakfast. It is quick and easy and it can sustain me through a long morning bike ride. While I will take the packets camping and occasionally eat them at home, it doesn't take too much effort to make oatmeal on the stove and I can make a more appropriate portion that way. I usually use the 5 minute variety and I like to add a little ginger to the water when I make it. I don't bother with sugar when I do it this way as I don't feel I need it. Sometimes I will add diced dried fruit if I happen to have it around.
I have it every morning. Sometimes I make it with apple and cinnamon. Usually I just add whatever dried fruit I have or fresh berries in season. For a special treat I melt a couple of squares of dark chocolate in the cooked porridge. It turns brown and tastes delicious. Other types of chocolate would go down well too.

I like to experiment with different tastes. I usually have it unsweetened but I have also tried oatmeal with various added syrups and with unrefined brown sugar.
I generally don't sweeten it but when I do its the brown sugar or honey. I love having bananas and blueberries on top - with them I never need to sweeten the oatmeal.
Do you like oatmeal? I know that I do! My favorite flavors are with apples and cinnamon, not much of a fan of maple walnut. I also add fruit, applesauce, and yogurt depending on my mood.
I don't like it but my children love it. Every morning it's the same thing. "I want some oatmeal." I will us it to mix up a homemade veggie burger, and I add it to my bread, but I'm not fan of plan oatmeal.
I love having oatmeal for breakfast as it's very nutritional and filling; i especially like having it blended with a stout,egg whites,bananas and milk to tasty...this is very tasty and i just never get tired of having it. At other times i'll use oatmeal to make porridge as it's one of my kids favorite.
I have to be in the mood to have oatmeal for breakfast, but yes I do like it. My favorite is also the apples and cinnamon kind, but I do enjoy the maple brown sugar flavor sometimes. It is a nice winter breakfast for a cold morning, soothes the soul and gets me ready for the day. It is a great breakfast when money is low as it is inexpensive to purchase and fills you up until lunchtime.
I don't like it but my children love it. Every morning it's the same thing. "I want some oatmeal." I will us it to mix up a homemade veggie burger, and I add it to my bread, but I'm not fan of plan oatmeal.

I was reading and figured I am the only person who isn't a fan. In fact I was only introduced to oatmeal in a serious way very, very late in my life and it was by my son. I saw that someone mentioned it was something their grandmother prepared. I am guessing it was because I never knew a grandmother that I missed out on those early years of oatmeal:(. Now I've found this thread, I think I should make my son some this morning.

I will never forget when he asked me to make him some, a few years ago. I actually called my mom to help me to spice up things. It was surprising easy to make and my son who doesn't do much in the kitchen can whip up his own oatmeal.
Oatmeal has always been a staple in our homes, when I was a kid I ate oatmeal, when my kids were kids they ate oatmal and now my grandkids eat oatmeal. Oatmeal is something you can always eat, not just for breakfast and you can add so much to it to make the meal interesting like apples, walnuts, peantut butter are just a few suggestions.
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