Review Ooni Koda 12 Pizza Oven

30 Nov 2012
Local time
1:47 AM
Hampshire, UK
Its taken me a while to get around to posting this, but I thought I'd give you all an update on how my new Ooni Koda 12 pizza oven is going.

Its very simple to use: turn the gas on, pre-heat for 20-30 minutes, launch your pizza (its a good idea to turn the gas down at this point so you don't burn the top), turn after about 30 seconds, then keep turning every 15 or 20 seconds until its done. I've had great fun with pizzas over the past few weeks - some traditional, others not. I've also made tandoori chicken and naans. The pizzas are head and shoulders above the ones cooked in my old kitchen oven. Because the Ooni gets up to around 400C the pizzas cook in around 90 seconds, the base is crispy and the crusts are light and airy. We're definitely eating a LOT more pizza now than we were!

I went for the gas one over wood for convenience and I went for the 12 (which refers to the maximum pizza size in inches) because its small enough to take away with us in the motorhome. There is also a 16" version which is apparently a little easier to use because you have a bit more room in it, but you do lose out on the portability.

These are some photos from my very first simply with rosemary garlic butter and mozzarella, and the other with ham, onions and mozzarella. As you can see I had a bit of an issue with these first two pizzas....when trying to turn them I accidentally pushed them back into the flames! Ooops :shy: But actually, even with the burnt bits they were still lovely.

How does the gas system work?
In the UK it comes with a regulator which fits Patio Gas or Gaslight propane bottles, other regions come with gas attachments to suit their local market (gas bottle fittings and pressures vary per country) . You can of course cut off the supplied regulator if you wanted to use a different type of bottle - it works exactly the same as a gas bbq. I've actually modified mine with a quick-release system so I can either attach a gas hose with the standard bottle regulator, or a hose with an adapter for the outside bbq point on the motorhome. Its coming on holiday with us in May :okay:

It has automatic ignition and a dial on the back to regulate the flame. Basically if you leave it on full, the flame licks up across the underside of the roof and heats the pizza stone on the bottom. Supposedly they can reach 400-500C....though I don't yet have an infrared thermometer so I've not measured mine yet. I do know it gets very hot though and the pizza base is already crusted over within 30 seconds. If I remember I'll try to take a photo of the inside next time I use it.

It can only be used outdoors, right? :whistling:
Yes, it would probably be dangerous to use inside because gas appliances like this need airflow to disperse any carbon monoxide. They can be used on balconies though, and some people also use them in garages or under open-sided outdoor kitchens or patio shelters. I would say the rule of thumb is they can be used anywhere you can use a gas bbq.
Can't use anything that's gas here, can't cook outside either. These apts are all-electric. I DO have electric cooking appliances. The stove's oven will do just fine. :whistling:
I will also buy one if I find a good discount here :)
I don't think Ooni do many discounts - they don't need to because they're selling like hotcakes (delivery take around a month or so depending on the model). You may get lucky and find one in stock at a 3rd party retailer though who does offer discounts - sadly I didn't (they were all out of stock).
I don't think Ooni do many discounts - they don't need to because they're selling like hotcakes (delivery take around a month or so depending on the model). You may get lucky and find one in stock at a 3rd party retailer though who does offer discounts - sadly I didn't (they were all out of stock).
I thought so too :)
I remembered to take some photos before I started cooking last night :okay:

One showing the gas jets across the back of the oven:

And a close-up of the can see how hot it gets because the steel is starting to glow (the blue lines up each side are just reflections of the gas jets below).

Sorry, no photos of the pizzas.....they got eaten too quickly :hungry:
I guess we're pretty lucky....both our jobs are secure and can be just as easily done from home (in fact I work from home permanently) so actually what with the lack of holidays :(, not being able to go to the pub :cry:, and hubby no longer having commuting costs :okay: we have a bit of spare cash so we've been able to upgrade a few things around the house and treat ourselves to some new toys. In case you're wondering if its just me spending the's not, hubby bought himself one of these: The Pinter and is currently brewing his first Pilsner :cheers:
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