Recipe Perkedel (Indonesian potato cakes)


Legendary Member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
8:05 PM
Caracas, Venezuela
500 gms potatoes
1 small onion (or 2-3 shallots)
4 cloves garlic
1 whole stalk (with leaves if possible) celery
1/4 tsp nutmeg
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 egg
Oil for frying

  • Peel the potatoes and cut into 1" chunks. Fry in hot oil until the potatoes barely start changing colour, then remove from the oil, drain and mash. It is important to fry the potatoes, because boiling them makes them too soft and the perkedel will fall apart.
  • Slice the onion thin and fry in oil until brown and crispy. Set aside to drain on paper towels.
  • Chop the celery and leaves as fine as possible. Mince the garlic.
  • Add the celery, the fried onions, the garlic, salt and pepper and the nutmeg to the mashed potato and mix well.
  • Divide the mash into 6-7 pieces and form a ball in the palm of your hand. Flatten the ball to make a patty, and set aside. Do the same with the rest of the mash.
  • Beat the egg and pour into a shallow dish. Dip each patty into the beaten egg, making sure they are completely covered.
  • Heat 1/2" oil in a large saucepan and fry the patties until golden brown, turning once.
  • Serve as a snack, or as an accompaniment to a main dish, with some sambal on the side.
    Perkedel 1.jpg
    Perkedel 2.jpg
    Perkedel 3.jpg
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