Photos not displaying correctly

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
9:05 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Has anyone else noticed this? It seems to be quite random and affects old posts as well as new. It varies from only the top strip of the photo displaying to the photo displaying as pixillated. I kept 'reporting' posts when this happened but then I'd go back to the post in question and the image would be OK. I began to think it was a problem my end despite the fact I have a superfast internet connection. But then TastyReuben mentioned to me that he had experienced it.

If anyone else has noticed this please add to this thread so that SatNavSaysStraightOn can investigate.

Here is a screenshot of an example:


Here is pixillated example:

Systems (and it's not just CookingBites, but many other sites as well) often display a coarse image (pixalated version) first whilst they are still downloading the high definition version in the background. They will then display the HD version of the image once the entire image is displayed. This can be compounded by your service provider caching sites that you visit frequently, displaying the cached (and coarse version) page to you, then updating it and displaying that version, compounded again by your web browser also doing exactly the same. So you see what's cached on your web browser first whilst it goes to your ISP and checks the page matches and then the ISP goes to the CloudFlare version, and runs that check and then CloudFlare checks with the live version on the server... (CloudFlare is used to cache a copy of CB to give faster access to CB worldwide, but it can cause some issues as well).

Being of a satellite connection for my internet (broadband) I see this a lot because of the time lag (response time) inherent in any satellite connection. Other factors to take into account are the age and speed of the device being used and how 'clean' it is. That is literally the time since it was last reset to factory defaults and a totally new profile created (so no profile back up used to reinstall all your settings) and all those little tweaks that make it yours redone by hand.

Everything you install and use, adds to the speed of your device. Just having an older device connected to your wireless connection can significantly slow the overall speed of your wireless network down. It does not need to be in use, just turned on with the wireless connection enabled and connected to your network. It does not even have to be in your household if you still have an open wireless connection. And it does not need to be a smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop or iOS system. It can be an old iPod with wireless, it can be your TV, it can be an older PlayStation... if it can not connect to your wireless network at the fastest protocol, then your wireless network can be downgraded to match the slowest device automatically without you doing anything. (The way around this issue is to run 2 or more wireless networks from the same router and only connect slower devices to the dedicated wireless network for them, leaving faster devices to connect only to the main network.)

Ctrl+F5 can be used to override cached copies on Windows OS systems. Otherwise repeated F5/Refreshes are your only option and from (bitter) experience i can tell you it often takes 10-15 attempts before you'll see the live site version rather than the copied version.
Thanks SatNavSaysStraightOn.

But, I have to ask why has this only happened (and quite suddenly) since the upgrade? I don't have this issue with any other internet sites at all (ever) and I never have done. I use the internet a lot particularly viewing images (including high definition images) and this isn't happening anywhere except on CookingBites.

I have no other devices at all in the house using the wireless network. A few years back I had loads (kids living here with multiple devices) and also a slower connection yet I had no issues of this kind. All I can say is I'm 99% certain this is an issue due to the recent upgrade of the forum. The fact it is also happening to at least two other members since the upgrade also suggests this.
Has anyone else noticed this? It seems to be quite random and affects old posts as well as new. It varies from only the top strip of the photo displaying to the photo displaying as pixillated. I kept 'reporting' posts when this happened but then I'd go back to the post in question and the image would be OK. I began to think it was a problem my end despite the fact I have a superfast internet connection. But then TastyReuben mentioned to me that he had experienced it.

If anyone else has noticed this please add to this thread so that SatNavSaysStraightOn can investigate.

Here is a screenshot of an example:

View attachment 52590

Here is pixillated example:

View attachment 52591
Morning Morning, I prefer my legs pixillated. No problem here.
I would second that I've encountered it only after the upgrade.
"...isn't happening anywhere except..."
many sites are moving to new software because of the https thing - and yes I've seen the prob elsewhere.
there are multiple millions of configuration options and settings . . . (okay, not millions...but a lot)

until all the linking kinks between servers are ironed out, odd things happen.
and this isn't happening anywhere except on CookingBites
It is simply a case that things have slowed enough for you to now notice them, especially because you're looking.

I've been living with the problem since I moved out to Australia 4½ years ago.

I also see it frequently on various other sites including one of the major sites for knitting ( Prior to their site upgrade last winter it wasn't a huge issue either. Now I see it all the time. I can easily name other sites including CB that had the problem prior to the upgrade.

And yorky and I both see the 'ooops we ran into some problems' error when trying to upload images to CB which again is a symptom of the same problem, as is the presentation of the a single file upload in the media gallery instead of multiple files being allowed to upload all at once. Cancel and try again and I almost always get the multiple file upload option 2nd time around. All symptoms of the same speed connection problems.
It is simply a case that things have slowed enough for you to now notice them, especially because you're looking.

I honestly don't think this is true. I've genuinely not had the problem anywhere else and I have a fast connection. Everything on the forum usually displays instantly.

Joined 'ravelry' and everything I look at, loads like lightening.

I'll keep monitoring it.
When I say 'instant', I mean there is not any time waiting at all, the images are simply 'there' when I click on something. Same with ravelry.
Ravelry is worse, much worse than CB for myself once you very into the patterns area.

I just looked at that area of Ravelry - its no problem here at all. The images are just 'there' when I click on them. Today I had one instance on CB of the 'strip' at the top. It was an attachment in an old post. I went back later and it was OK. Its quite occasional. Everything else was fine.
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