Poaching, simmering, broiling, boiling...


Über Member
6 Nov 2016
Local time
10:03 AM
Can someone please explain the difference to me please?

Rolling boil?
Poaching would mean slow simmering (an egg) in water.

Simmering (meat) is a very low & slow bubbling of the water.

Boiling means to cook (potatoes) in more rapidly boiling water.

Broiling means that you cook things such as a steak, under a gas burner, or an electric heating element in the oven on high.

Rolling boil means that you are boiling something in water at the highest heat level of the burner.

There is also another one - braising, which means to simmer (a pot roast) very gently in water to just cover the meat or lower just until fork-tender.

Hope this helps! :wink:
It CAN at times be confusing.

According to top culinary chefs, anything that's cooked under the fire is noted as being broiled. BBQ experts will say that anything that's cooked outside is on the grill. :wink:
It CAN at times be confusing.

According to top culinary chefs, anything that's cooked under the fire is noted as being broiled. BBQ experts will say that anything that's cooked outside is on the grill. :wink:

That is in the USA. In the UK the term 'grilling' is used differently and is what you call 'broiling'.

Although, due to the popularity in barbecues here, it is becoming more common to talk about 'grilling on the BBQ'.
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Thank you everyone. That was most helpful.
I think it is poaching that I'm having the biggest problem with. I'll try it again tomorrow and see if I can poach an egg properly. It always seems to come apart rather than stay together.
I think I might start another thread for advice on that one. Anything would be appreciated. I'm useless at it.
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