Recipe Pomegranate jelly


6 Mar 2021
Local time
10:02 AM
Zagreb, Croatia

250 ml 100% pomegranate juice (this one was store bought, but a no sugar added one, possibly other juices would work too, I happen to love pomegranate)
1 package (12 g) of carageenan based 'cake cover' powder, I had Dr.Oetker, probably the pure carageenan or any other mix would work

Chia seeds or other decorative elements, to one's liking
Food colour (I used 3 drops of red, 1 drop of yellow), not necessary at all, I just thought it was turning brown at one point, and I wanted it red/reddish, so I added, I had the colours on hand.

The package instructions call for 2 teasp sugar, which I omitted, and it worked perfectly without added sugar.


  1. In a little pot, pour the pomegranate juice and the carageenan powder, mix thoroughly, avoiding any lumps.
  2. Put on the stove, I was on mark 5 out of 9, bring it to boil, stirring constantly.
  3. Once it bubbles, take it off and leave to cool off for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Prepare the moulds or glasses. I used a silicon mould. I washed it off with cold water to prevent sticking. Sliding out was perfect, no problem at all.
  5. Pour the jelly into the moulds. You can sprinkle chia seeds or other deco into the moulds, or not.
  6. Leave it to cool for about 30 minutes, then refrigerate.
  7. I had left it in the fridge for several hours.
  8. Serve.

Tastes very clean and very much like a true pomegranate, and the colour is adorable, the translucence works like magic on a child. At least it did on me. Plus it is a very heathly and very light dessert. I think it would be cool to serve at a party. In fact, April hosts a number of family birthdays, so I think I might test the impresivness out. Plus it is super super easy and quick.






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I love the color, as well as the use of pomegranate instead of a more common fruit. I assume the sugar free juice means you get a clean but musty taste, like you're eating the seeds, but squishier.
Indeed,yes,there is the mustiness...but it is not covered by sweetness,so it kind of has space to uncurl...I think my next would be a sugarless blueberry juice...I saw it on the shelf...right beside this one...
Love this idea! I always eat pomegranates and like to cook with them although I never see many recipes that incorporate that. Thank you for this recipe I am excited to try it.
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