Positive Encouragement Exercise Thread


Kitchen Witch
29 Jul 2019
Local time
3:05 AM
The Netherlands
Moderator edit: due to posts being moved from various threads, the intro is now part way through the thread, so I've moved it to here.

I thought we might have a thread for anyone who wants to post their exercise up.

It doesn't matter how much, or how little, just that it's taken place. And the thread is here just to encourage others along the way.


I've made a new plan with my RD. We're going to focus on building muscle mass and losing fat by measuring my waistline and adhering to a cycling training schedule. As you guys might not know, I've worked outdoors for about 7 years of my life. I used to walk 40 kms a week, and after that cycle about 70 kms a week. I have been very athletic before I got ill, though I never was skinny I was very muscular.
And after dieting off and on for 20 years, losing the same 70 lbs/30 kgs over and over, we feel like it's time for a different approach. I'm going to work on my athleticism, instead of only on caloric reduction. And by becoming more athletic and focussing on sports I can achieve the same results while eating more food than by foccusing on calories alone.
So for that purpose, I bought a spinning bike for my home. I've had a bicycle for outside since september, and found out that that was the only means of moving I have currently that doesn't cause pain. So it's time for me to get fit, so that my body gets healthier and I don't have to diet.
For now my schedule is 30 mins of spinning every other day, and 30 mins to an hour of walking or regular cycling every day. I've been cycling daily for at least 30 minutes for the past 5 months so this should be doable. Here's my bike and my first completed run:


The last time I cycled 10 kms must be at least 7 years ago!
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My RD set my calorie target at 1950 a day, so I really can't complain!
My second training already went better than the first one:

I am really motivated, my succes made me feel so good that I've been able to not eat any candy or other trash for three days already!
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And I didn't measure my upper arms but my small bingo wings are almost gone due to the dumbell excercise I do as well! 😊 so pretty happy overall .
Bonus training pics:
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Did go for a run with my neighbor, around 7km/3,7miles in 40 minutes.
I'm still feeling it in my knees and legs.
I did also get some new equipment for training. Some weights, a weight bench and a bike for home exercising.
Next I'm going to eat vegetables only for 4-5 days, they help my stomach a lot.
it's still kinda cold in germany. jogging is fun, but not for that long
nice nature pics SatNav :thumbsup:
Thanks. It was 31°C, so I was quite happy to stop and take a few photos. I'll try to get the waterfall photos downloaded from the camera, now I've remembered I took some! Lol
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