Post Bariatric Surgery Diet


14 Aug 2017
Local time
12:54 AM
Lafayette, LA. US
Hi All,

My first post :D

My husband had Bariatric Surgery (Vertical Gastric Sleeve) last Monday. For the first 2 weeks he is on a full liquid diet. This is his meal plan:


-Prepared Protein Shake - 30 grams protein, 160 calories
-2 oz. (1/4 cup) pureed fruit mixed in the shake

Mid Morning

-Protein shake

Noon Meal

-8 oz. beef or chicken broth (home made of course)

Afternoon Meal

-6 oz. fat free, low sugar, plain yogurt
-2 oz. pureed fruit - mixed in yogurt

Evening Meal

-Protein shake

100 oz. liquids each day. Primarily water. Small sips. No straw.
Other liquids - sugar free popsicles or Jello. 1 additional 8 oz. serving of broth.

All of his regular medication plus 1 Flintstone's Complete Chewable multiple vitamin twice daily, Chewable Caltrate - 1 three times each day, Colace and Benefiber once daily.

20 minutes on his stationary bike every day. When the weather cools a little we will walk the neighborhood.

Week one - 10 lbs. lost
No longer taking Metformin for type 2 diabetes
No longer taking Lasix for fluid retention

Week 3 and 4 he will be on a pureed diet. I have been pureeing meat and vegetables and freezing. I had beef broth in the freezer and made chicken broth last Wednesday. Yesterday I made a very large batch of chicken broth for him to eat and to use for pureeing food. I was a little surprised at how much liquid is needed to get pureed food to the right consistency.

That's it for now. I want to check out other threads. :wave:
This is a big operation. I have a friend of a friend who underwent something similar. Apparently, it did work very well for her and she lost 10 stone in all and was unrecognisable afterwards. Five years on she hasn't gained any more weight and is much fitter all round.
My Honey calls me Drill Sergeant.

I have a week schedule broken down daily and hourly on the refrigerator door listing everything from meds., supplements, meals, snacks, fluids and exercise with check off boxes.

MDH has battled obesity since his 30s. In 2011 he was weighing 360 lbs. He went on the Ideal Protein diet. In 11 months he dropped to 225 lbs. !8 months after that he was back up to 335 lbs. He is 70 years old, has an artificial heart valve, is on Coumadin to keep his blood thin, Type II Diabetes, sleep apnea, hyper tension, fluid retention and high cholesterol. Both his Family Practitioner and his Cardiologist told him that he was at less risk from the surgery than morbid obesity.

I am VERY proud of him. My biggest problem is that it will be another 3 weeks before I can cook "real food". :(

Thank you for your kind words.
He is 70 years old, has an artificial heart valve, is on Coumadin to keep his blood thin, Type II Diabetes, sleep apnea, hyper tension, fluid retention and high cholesterol.
Weil, as you know, all these things can improve and even get totally better with the weight loss. Three weeks is not such a long time. Maybe you can start planning his first real meal!
Squeamish look away now!

A friend of mine drank, smoked and ate junk food for years, and then a few months ago his stomach burst (presumably from an ulcer). He had major surgery to remove part of his stomach and intestines, and was put on a similar diet while he was in hospital, although he was not allowed to have that quantity of liquid. Six months later, the effect was astonishing. He looked so healthy, it was like meeting a different person. His attitude and demeanour have changed completely.
We start a pureed food diet tomorrow.

AM Meal

-2 oz. pureed protein
-1 oz. pureed fruit or vegetables

Mid Morning

-Ready made protein shake

Noon Meal

-2 oz. pureed protein
-1 oz. pureed fruit or vegetables


-6 oz. no fat, plain yogurt
-1 oz. pureed fruit

PM Meal

-2 oz. pureed protein
-1 oz. pureed fruit or vegetables

100 oz. fluid daily - water, Jello, popsicles, broth.
20 minutes exercise - stationary bike or walking
Vitamins, Caltrate, stool softener and Benefiber
Regular prescription meds
Lovenox shots twice daily (blood thinner)

He sees his cardiologist Thursday to discuss getting back on Coumadin.

My Love does not know it yet but I purchased baby spoons for him to eat with. Dietician's recommendation.

Baby Steps with Baby Spoons.
Pureed ham with home made, no sugar added, cinnamon applesauce for breakfast. I am defrosting some shrimp to boil south Louisiana style then puree for his lunch. I am also defrosting chicken thighs to braise then puree for his dinner. I took packs of pureed carrots, asparagus and mixed veggies out of the freezer so he has a choice. I have beets and turnips in the fridge that I need to cook and puree.

My Love was very happy to have food that actually tasted like real food.

Tomorrow I may braise some pork chops and cook some fish in parchment paper.

Between the ham, shrimp, chicken, fish and pork chops I will be set for the rest of the week. :dance:

As far as weight loss goes we had a set back. I had to bring him to the ER Monday evening. He had/has a hematoma in his right abdomen. Between the muscle and the membrane covering the muscle - not in his abdominal cavity. The hematoma is not related to his surgery. The sleeve looks great - no slipping, twisting or bleeding.

Best guess is that he strained very hard when he had his first post op BM. Dr. thinks the straining may have caused a small tear in the muscle that began oozing blood. Any way. Home from the hospital Saturday. A week ago Monday he weighed 301 lbs. Yesterday he weighed 312 lbs. It can take up to 2 months for the hematoma to absorb into his body. So we start watching weight loss from yesterday. Dr. said he will lose weight very rapidly but will have a lump on his right side until the hematoma is absorbed. He is mostly OK pain wise. Controlling pain with Tylenol rather than narcotics. Getting up and down or in and out of the car is very painful. He can expect pain for 4 - 5 weeks.

Stuff happens. I am just glad I got my stubborn old man to the ER when I did. I had to threaten to call 911 before he would get in the car.

We are walking through this set back one day at a time.
Best wishes :thumbsup: and hope for a successful outcome. My oldest friend has recently rocketed up to 270lbs [well maybe not rocketed but quick enough] makes my 180lbs seem downright anorexic. Must admit I'm beginning to worry about the old guy.
Home from the hospital Saturday. A week ago Monday he weighed 301 lbs. Yesterday he weighed 312 lbs
Oh I'm sorry to hear about this. What bad luck when he is in recovery. But I wonder why that meant he gained weight?

Its sounds as if you are making a splendid effort on the food front! Well done. :roflmao:
But I wonder why that meant he gained weight?

The hematoma is the size of a softball plus lots of blood product infusions. Definitely not from food. He was on clear liquids in the hospital and on full liquids when he got home. Pureed foods started this morning.

Thank you all for your kind words.
Update -

The weight gain Monday was from being on IV fluids and lots of blood products.

His body has processed that'

Drum Roll Please

This morning he weighed


296 lbs.


We are both very happy campers.

He still has the hematoma. That can take 2 to 3 months to absorb back into his body.

He is doing well. Bored and driving me a little crazy.

I really do not like to go to Walmart - but I am heading out to pick up a few things. Primarily I need to get out.

My Love needs to pick up a prescription, fill his vehicle with gas and get gas for the generator in case the storm makes it this way and we have a power outage. He wanted me to run those errands for him. With all the love in my heart I told him no. He needs to get out of the house and move around more. He spends too much time sitting. That is a blood clot risk.

All is good. The weight loss is a big boost to his spirits.

Thank you all for your interest and kind words.
More :cook: today.

I cooked the turnips the other day but the beets are still in the fridge. That is first on the agenda.

My Husband fishes. I took a pack of speckled trout out of the freezer. It is a salt water trout. Delicate, white, flaky flesh. I plan to cook it en Papillote. It is a fairly large package so I plan to try different flavor combinations. 1 with onions lemon and tomato. Another with julienned ginger and the third with capers and tomatoes.

Hubby has been craving calves' liver and onions. So that is the 3rd project for today.

Unfortunately it all has to be pureed. :yuck:

The texture is unappealing but at least the flavor is present.

Time to get to work.

Have a wonderful Sunday.
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