Reheating Brussel Sprouts in the Microwave

The Late Night Gourmet

Home kook
Staff member
30 Mar 2017
Local time
6:11 AM
Detroit, USA
I work in an office, and while I would happily use a stove, toaster oven, or oven, the only option I have here when I want to reheat food is a microwave. I'm well aware that some things just don't do well in the microwave, so I don't bother with most bread-related things like pizza. But, I've reheated vegetables so many times that I was shocked with how badly my reheat of the Brussels sprouts I made last night turned out. They were perfect last night after first steaming, then pan frying. But, after a reheat, they were soggy and somehow had a watered down version of the balsamic vinegar flavor (probably because the reheat had, literally, watered it down).

I did read an interesting tip that I hadn't considered before: reheating at 60% power instead of 100% power apparently yields better results. I won't be bringing the sprouts back tomorrow to test that theory - they're so good properly prepared that I can't bear it - but I will try this in the future.
I re-heat foods in the microwave a lot because often people here eat at different times or there are leftovers. Also I often cook a dish earlier in the day to photograph. :) Mostly things work out OK. I'm not sure what happened to your sprouts. It sounds like too long cooking... that is always the danger.
I'm not sure what happened to your sprouts. It sounds like too long cooking... that is always the danger.
Yes...I think that's it. As I said, they were perfect last night but I then over cooked them by microwaving them. Maybe the low temp reheat in the microwave would have fared better? Or, better still, reheat them on the stove at home (or eat them cold...they're still tasty that way).
Yes...I think that's it. As I said, they were perfect last night but I then over cooked them by microwaving them. Maybe the low temp reheat in the microwave would have fared better? Or, better still, reheat them on the stove at home (or eat them cold...they're still tasty that way).

How long did you microwave them for?
@The Late Night Gourmet

Sounds like you Micro Waved too too long ..

I re-heat on a rare occasion that I have leftovers, on stove top only.

I took the Micro Wave to the Office for my staff .. The gals and gents heat their lunches in it when they do not go out of the office for lunch.

On a personal note, I do not use Micro Waves nor need one ..

Have a great day ..
It was only a minute, but there were also only a few of them that I brought with me to work yesterday. I then decided to pan cook some more from the same batch when I got home, and I had much better results.

A minute can be a long time in the world of the microwave!
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