Reminder notes on refrigerator

3 Jul 2014
Local time
2:35 AM
Where do you usually put most of your reminder notes? I know that most people keep a diary to remind them of appointments, upcoming events or things to do. I have found that putting reminder notes on the refrigerator is a good way for me to remember things like this. Since we go into the refrigerator every day and are often in the kitchen cooking, we cannot miss seeing notes stuck on the front of the fridge reminding us of things to do or places to go.

Putting a grocery list on the refrigerator is also a good idea, but I do not normally do this. I just write out my grocery list when I am ready to go shopping.

Do you stick reminder notes on the refrigerator or do you prefer to use a diary?
I couldn't bear to have post-it notes on my fridge! I like my kitchen clear of clutter of any sort. I've only got one utensil holder and a Toast 'n Grill on my counter top and I think that's too much! Its not that I'm actually tidy (the insides of some of the cupboards/drawers and fridge are quite messy) but I can't bear to have anything 'cluttery' on display in the kitchen. I just write lists/reminders on a piece of paper which sits on the dining room table. That's where I sit most of the time and where I use the laptop.
Interesting you should mention this. I have always thought it would be a good idea, but I have only done it once or twice in my lifetime. In a sense I don't think I'd like see pieces of paper on my fridge, but I know it's a good way to stop my husband buying things we already have too much of. With the right piece of paper it would make for a great grocery reminder list for him. This days I don't often use my diary as I should. I find the phone does a lot of stuff for me and is capable of doing much more if I can just understand how everything works.
I would not use too many pieces of paper at one time, only what is necessary to remind me of events in the near future. Once the event or appointment has passed, then the note or notes would be removed. Putting a circle around a date on the kitchen calendar with a short note next to it is another way I remind myself of upcoming appointments/events. So, it is usually between the refrigerator and the kitchen calendar, which, incidentally, has to be a big-printed one.
We have a blackboard on the wall in the kitchen that is also magnetic so it doubles as a handy place to write notes on in chalk and also things like items for a shopping list plus the magnets hold bits of paper such as appointments etc. It's amazingly useful. I just wish chalk was not becoming so hard to get hold of!
We have a blackboard on the wall in the kitchen that is also magnetic so it doubles as a handy place to write notes on in chalk and also things like items for a shopping list plus the magnets hold bits of paper such as appointments etc. It's amazingly useful. I just wish chalk was not becoming so hard to get hold of!
Wilkinson's/Wilkos, crayola still on sale.
We have a blackboard on the wall in the kitchen that is also magnetic so it doubles as a handy place to write notes on in chalk and also things like items for a shopping list plus the magnets hold bits of paper such as appointments etc. It's amazingly useful. I just wish chalk was not becoming so hard to get hold of!
The blackboard I could deal with because its a nice neat space to write on. And I like black and white. But I wouldn't like the notes under magnets... too unstructured.
The Range also sell it, but Wilkinsons seems to have more outlets.
I have a Range nearby. Its quite good for cheap kitchen stuff. Sometimes TK Max can yield bargains in the kitchen department (but its a bit patchy). Also got Wilkos here.This is Maidstone after all, supposedly, the major retail town in Kent!
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Wilkinson's/Wilkos, crayola still on sale.
Not sure we have one in Northwich. Northwich has very little other than the standard Boots, WHSmiths, Holland & Barrett, Costa Coffee (!), some banks, estate agents and most of the mobile phone operators plus a few independent shops. There is a useless cookery shop which is a shame, a great sewing shop, I don't think we even qualify for a pound ship!

I might have to send my OH off on a hunt in Warrington one lunchtime!
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I have a Range nearby. Its quite good for cheap kitchen stuff. Sometimes TK Max can yield bargains in the kitchen department (but its a bit patchy). Also got Wilkos here.This is Maidstone after all, (supposedly, the major retail town in Kent)!
It came from IKEA originally, if that helps and you don't have to use the magnets! But I find them useful for keeping medical appointments under. The top one being the next, it is then moved to a folder when the appointment has been and gone revealing the next one! And I always keep them in date order of that helps to the structure!
For notes we use a chalk board at home or a white board ,write the shopping list as we go,take a picture of it,on our phones ,pre done shopping list,at work I'm terrible for writing on the walls for messages and lists,
Fridge magnets are great ,I caught my boys yesturday at some ones house seeing how far they could through the flexible magnets to the fridge and get them to stick ,loudly announcing the winner
I do not put anything in our refrigerator. I always want it to look neat and organized to look at. Even decorations with magnet I do not put like that in our refrigerator. And if we had notes or reminders we had post it board and it is where we put them. And with regards to our grocery list and dates of appointments I always write it in my diary book so that everyday when I turn its page I know what I will do for that day.
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