Reputable place to get crawfish?


16 Jun 2018
Local time
11:12 PM
I love all food and especially seafood. That being said, I don't live where we can get fresh seafood (or crustacean, or bug whatever it is). Is there some company that ships seafood like that, that doesn't cost a million dollars? I've never had crawfish and I think I would really like them.
There are a few places in Southern Louisiana that sell and ship them. You want to get your crawfish from Southern Louisiana. They use the flooded rice fields to farm them when there is no rice growing.

I order them locally. Because we are only about 300 miles from that area, most grocery stores will get them for you.

As far as shipping, the best crawfish are live when you buy them, and right up until you drop them in the boiling pot. That's why I have to order them in advance -- about a week. I don't know how they would ship them to Detroit live.

Places ship them overnight or even airport to airport same day pick up. Neither option is cheap and you have to buy a lot to be cost effective.

This is probably not the best time of year to get them though. There are places that sell year round apparently, though I doubt size and quality of meat are optimal. A few weeks before Mardi Gras until sometime in May is the only time period we will buy them.

If and when you buy them, you want to get wild river caught select, NOT field run or farmed.
We have a restaurant supply place that brings in 35 to 40 pound sacks during season of the river caught, so we normally buy from them; but we have bought from Kyle LeBlanc during the time period noted above several years ago and were quite happy with the crawfish we got. Again though, it was several years ago and during the prime season period.
I love all food and especially seafood. That being said, I don't live where we can get fresh seafood (or crustacean, or bug whatever it is). Is there some company that ships seafood like that, that doesn't cost a million dollars? I've never had crawfish and I think I would really like them.

Of course I don't know exactly where you live but there seem to be fish markets/places in Detroit which sell crayfish. I'd have thought crayfish can be fished around there too? But hey - I can't get them here either unless I buy the tiddly ones in pots from the supermarket.
Of course I don't know exactly where you live but there seem to be fish markets/places in Detroit which sell crayfish. I'd have thought crayfish can be fished around there too? But hey - I can't get them here either unless I buy the tiddly ones in pots from the supermarket.

But, he's/she's looking for crawfish. :wink:

Yep. Crawfish are Merican, as Caseydogsays; crayfish are British. I´m not 100% sure, but I think they´re both freshwater "prawn" type crustaceans.
We find them in the rivers in Venezuela and call them Camacutos.
I´ve found them in the rivers in Choroní, and they´re blue.
Yep. Crawfish are Merican, as Caseydogsays; crayfish are British. I´m not 100% sure, but I think they´re both freshwater "prawn" type crustaceans.

Its just that we call them slightly different names. The signal crayfish is an invader and poses all sorts of issues in the UK. However there is a native British crayfish which is endangered by the signal crayfish.

Introduced from the US in the 1970s to be reared in farms for restaurants and food shops, this species quickly became established in the wild. Accidental and intentional releases helped them spread throughout British rivers and streams and today, they're prevalent across the UK and continental Europe.

Invasive species: why Britain can't eat its way out of its crayfish ... › invasive-species-why-britain...
I need to go live on the coast of Maine and go to one of those shacks on the pier and eat fresh lobster and crab until I get mercury poisoning.
I think you would get tired/sick of them LONG before you got mercury poisoning since both are very low on the danger scale.

And, quite honestly, mercury poisoning is not something to joke about.
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When Americans talk/write about crawfish they are referring to:



The single Pic is 1 from the batch we got from Kyle LeBlanc in 2020.
I think you would get tired/sick of them LONG before you got mercury poisoning since both are very low on the danger scale.

And, quite honestly, mercury poisoning is not something to joke about.
What about the Tasmanian crayfish?
Not sure what that has to do with my post you quoted, but I believe the Tasmanian crayfish is only found in Australia, so ?
And New Zealand, just wondering if they were safe to eat but i guess rascal would know.
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