Recipe Ricotta and Vanilla Cream w/ Chocolate Sauce and Orange Zest


Well-Known Member
30 Oct 2022
Local time
4:49 PM
SF Bay Area
This is a nice refreshing and not too sweet Italian inspired dessert. The Orange zest really lends itself nicely here and gives it a nice aftertaste.



16oz/450g whole-milk Ricotta cheese
1cup/250ml heavy cream
1 Vanilla bean split lengthwise
5oz/150g dark chocolate (70% cacao)
Grate zest of 1 Orange

1. Drain the Ricota in a fine mesh sieve for 10 minutes. In a large bowl, combine the drained ricotta and cream. Whisk in the vanilla bean until thick and creamy with soft peaks. Refrigerate for about 15 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, in a heatproof bowl, set over a sauce pan of simmering water, stir the chocolate until melted. Remove from the heat.
3. On serving plates, place a little nest of ricotta cream. Drizzle with a melted chocolate, sprinkle with the orange zest, and serve.
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16oz/450g whole-milk Ricotta cheese
1cup/250ml heavy cream
1 Vanilla bean split lengthwise
5oz/150g dark chocolate (70% cacao)
Grate zest of 1 Orange
Sweeping the vanilla seeds and whiskey until thick and creamy with soft peaks
Not to seem like a daft question but what whisky?
Not to seem like a daft question but what whisky?
Edited - Autocorrect got me (tried to do the same again) and I didn’t proof read good enough since I thought I was posting last minute before the extension happened 😂

Thanks for pointing that out , save that Whiskey for another occasion 🙏
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Looks nice, did you come up with that on your own or is it a recipe you found?

Edited to change my phone's weird autocorrect.
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The recipe appears to be from here. It's the only source I've found for it, dated 2015.
It's at the very bottom of the blog
Typing on my phone late at night without checking before hitting post reply. I was trying to type the word "that" and my phone changed it to "tattoos" apparently.
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