Rock Buns


Über Member
3 Feb 2018
Local time
2:11 AM
United Kingdom
Has anyone ever made these? They can also be called rock cakes. I had a recipe once, given to me by a friend, but I lost some of it. It was very easy as it used tub margarine and all the other ingredients were stirred in before the mixture was put on a baking tray in spoonfuls. Most recipes for these buns tell you to rub margarine into flour, but I prefer the other method as it is less messy.

Any ideas? These buns are not as awful as they sound - the rock part refers to the dried fruit that is used, such as currants.

I have a feeling they might have been one of the cakes I was taught to make at school. They are very easy to make, as you say. Your post had bells tinkling in my head and I've just remembered why - a long while ago I posted a recipe for savoury rock cakes on the forum. Although you are probably not looking for a savoury recipe, you might be interested to see it. I will see if I can find it... we are: Recipe Roquefort Rock Cakes


Fabulous - I'm placing an express delivery order for them right now.

If you can get them here before 5pm, I can guarantee they'll all have gone before 5.15...

Thanks! Its so long since I made them that I struggle to recall what they were like. But they did all get scoffed! Perhaps I'll make some sweet ones today.
I used to make these all the time when I was younger, my husband is not a big fan of cake so I don't make them now.
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