Recipe Salmon with white wine, capers and dill


Legendary Member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
9:51 PM
Caracas, Venezuela
4 salmon steaks, about 150/160 gms each
About 1 cup of Sauvignon Blanc or other dry white wine
75 gms unsalted butter
2 tbsps capers
A few sprigs dill
S & P

  • Season the salmon with salt and pepper
  • Heat the butter in a frying pan big enough to take the 4 steaks comfortably and, when it sizzles, put in the 4 salmon steaks skin side down. Cook on high heat for about 2 minutes.
  • Now sear the steaks on each side (on top, and on both sides) for about 30 seconds each; no more.
  • Pour in the wine (taste assiduously before adding) . Keep the heat high.
  • Add the capers and the dill, and spoon the liquid over the salmon for a minute or two, until the steaks are done. The liquid will reduce. the whole process takes about 5-6 minutes maximum.
  • Serve with mashed potatoes and vegetables of choice.
Salmon with caper butter, mash & green beans.jpg
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