Shortage of table salt


Legendary Member
15 Mar 2017
Local time
6:21 PM
Just letting you all know that there has been a buzz in my business recently about an impending shortage of table salt..It might not transpire but you can do your own research and decide if you should grab a few extra boxes just incase,....
Rocklobster I've been seeing the same on Social Media.
I'm covered with not only table but Kosher, Sea Salt and Hawaiian Salt... and don't use alot of Salt :D
I use kosher for my brining/smoker at work and then regular table salt for all purpose cooking..The prices haven't gone up too much yet but the word is once the stores are diminished the production might not keep up to the demand..Up her in Canada, the two major salt producers can't get enough employees to run at full capacity..I have bought 50 lbs for the shop..should do me forever..maybe they can preserve me in it after I keel over

I think I'm good for Salt, whatd'ya think?
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