Show me your breakfast

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Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
10:06 AM
SE Australia
I struggle with breakfast, I always have done. Sometimes I eat it, sometimes I don't eat it, other times I will do several hours work before eating it and I never know what to eat for breakfast.

Often I'll just have porridge, hot or cold, made with Almond milk or soya yoghurt respectively.
Lately I've been having Weet-bix (which is equivalent to the UK Weetabix but with no sugar or salt in it) and served with homemade soya yoghurt and red berries, but with the weather turning colder here and the nights below freezing now, I've gone back to porridge (rolled wholegrain oats) which I soak in Almond milk overnight before cooking and serving with red berries and some maple syrup.


So what do you have normally? And more to the point of this thread, post a picture of it up here. I'm more than a little curious.
:laugh: - no but I do sometimes. I rather like the idea of Asian style breakfasts - noodles, chilli etc.

When we last stayed in KL the buffet breakfast consisted of 56 different stations. More noodles and chilies than you could throw a stick at.

However, not even a sniff of pork!
When you say 'struggle' do you mean knowing what to have or just not really wanting it?
both and sometimes I get or feel very sick after eating it as well. But if I don't have it, my meds make me exceptionally sick to the point of throwing up, so I have to make sure I have something nowadays.
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