Site Upgrade - Tuesday 10th September


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
4:00 PM
SE Australia
I'll add more later on, but the planned date for the site upgrade is around 12-14th September 2019. The site will be temporarily unavailable at intervals during this time and may look different if you happen to come by whilst testing is happening or whilst I am finalising the interface... you know those little tweaks...

The aim is that this will happen in the run up to the 2nd weekend after I am back from my trip to the UK. This will give me time to better update you and also to have caught up on sleep and the likes and get my head around the changes as well.

Can I ask that challenge dates are amended accordingly, so that they don't fall on this weekend (currently a Thursday to Saturday night UK time)

What you will see once the site is done won't be hugely different initially (once we have actually finished the work). There will be lots of little things that will be different and some of these little things may be in slightly different locations. You may well be a member of another forum that is using the same platform as ourselves and who have already upgraded, so some of it may actually not look that different to you.

More updates will be added closer to the time, but I wanted to give you a heads up that plans are being made and a date has (more or less) been finalised with the previous owner of the site, who still hosts the site for us, free of charge, so we fit in with his timescale. He is based in the UK, so everything is in UK time, not Australian time.
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